Photo (c) Khasyayar Kouchpejdeh
I apologize for my inability to see you. To truly see you, without allowing my conditioned mind to block the truth of what was and is right in front of me.
I apologize for all the assumptions, hounding, name calling and insults that have left you wondering what on earth you have done to deserve this.
I apologize for my arrogance in thinking I knew you better than you do and I am so sorry that I have not seen the struggle that you have been going through for so long.
I apologize that my so-called sisterhood has rendered you and your warrior tribe to eunuch status completely ignoring, misunderstanding and refusing to accept the wondrous gifts that you have.
I apologize that our emancipation went too far, that we tried to annihilate you rather than join with you.
I apologize for insulting your intelligence by treating you like a child instead of a man, for trying to manipulate you into doing what I wanted rather than joining with you and having fun along the way.
I apologize for the pedestal I put you on, expecting you to be a superhero when in fact you are a mortal just like me.
I apologize for trying to be superior, trying to do it all, to be both male and female which left you wondering where on earth you/men fit into my life as a woman.
I apologize for anything I and my sisters may have done that has made you wonder about your role in our lives.
I apologize for not seeing your beauty in all its many facets.
I apologize for not recognizing your strength and how important the holding energy of the male is for a woman and how we cannot be without it.
I have been re-educating myself and I am still on a long pathway.
I have been out in Nature and been taught by the Sun and Moon. Without Grandfather Sun’s light, we would never see Grandmother Moon’s beauty. She would not been seen if it were not for Him.
I cannot be seen fully, truly as a Goddess without you, without your Light and warm Love.
I cannot be successful without your knowing, holding energy that allows me to blossom as a woman.
I cannot truly be a Goddess until I learn more about the God that you are.
Please don’t give up on us women we are learning the new ways too.
I know in my heart that this is the Era of True Partnership. I offer you my hand in Love and ask for us to join our Light, talents and Love together so that we may be the Way Showers for all those who are now ready for the new ways, this new Era.
Love is the Key to all of our futures; let us place it in the lock that opens the door together.
I wrote this article in response to Jeff Brown’s article on his Blog called “Apologies to the Divine Feminine (from a warrior in transition). I was so moved by his article and the next thing I knew these words were tumbling out.
I loVe this Elly.
I remember reading Jeff's post and being moved by it too. ❤