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Full Moon in Sagittarius
This week’s Full Moon in freedom-loving Sagittarius is the Wesak Moon. Also known as the Full Flower Moon, on this day Buddha bestows Divine blessings to enable us to flower to our full potential.

Wesak celebrates the Buddha’s birthday and is known Buddha Day. It’s a day when great blessings are bestowed upon us during this powerful Full Moon. It’s a celebration of birth, death and the enlightenment of the Buddha.
Grandmother Moon uses Her fullness as a vessel to hold these Divine blessings and through her moonlight/moonbeams She helps to dispense these Divine blessings to all Beings.
Shamanically, it is the most potent Full Moon of the year, in that it brings us to a death/rebirth point in the year, a time of accelerated transformation. Which ties in nicely with the Full Moon energy, Full Moons are about completion before a new beginning.
You may feel more emotional than usual as the powerful energies urge you to allow the old parts of your personality to ‘die’ and discard that which no longer serves you. Your ego will be resistant, however there is no going back. You are being invited to dare to dream, to dare to live your life fully, to dare to think bigger than you have ever thought before.
Playing small doesn’t help anyone, you are here for a reason and it’s a big reason. Each of us is born with potential to realise in this life, many people don’t bother or never get the chance to reach their full potential, many hold themselves back which is such a shame. My work is all about helping you to manifest your potential in this lifetime.
Astrologically, we also have a beautiful Venus/Jupiter/Neptune sextile adding to the magickal energy of this special Full Moon.
🌸 Venus (planet of love and abundance) invites you to see how love shows up in your life. Are you as loving as you could be? (especially to yourself). Are you open to abundance or blocking it?
💫 Jupiter (planet of expansion and blessings) invites you to be open to receiving. Be open to living your life in a bigger, brighter way.
✨ Neptune (planet of the Mystic) invites you to be more open to God/dess, to Spirit, to take time to attune more. Also to overcome illusion – of self and others – so that you can live a more magickal life.
We also have Jupiter in Gemini from 25 May 2024 to 9th June 2025.
Jupiter is the planet of Blessings going into communicative Gemini which gives us all a boost in the way that we connect and communicate. Gemini’s adore knowledge/information, so you may find you want to study something new. Gemini also helps you to express yourself more confidently in the world.
However, when obstacles come up along the way – as they inevitably will - don’t resist them, what are they trying to tell you/teach you? You will be able to use creative ways to overcome them.

We are also reminded to have fun and lighten up a bit during this year-long transit. Jupiter is fun, Gemini is sociable, allow yourselves to have more fun socially the next 12 months of this transit.
This transit is also a boost for professional success for those who go for it re connection and communication. Blow your own trumpet, let people know what you do, there is great support for this.

This is a fantastic Full Moon for meditation and connecting with the Divine, your Guides, Angels etc.
Prepare a sacred space.
Ensure that you cannot be disturbed.
Make sure that you are grounded.
Do some deep breathwork.
Then attune to Spirit.
Expect nothing but be open to something.
You will feel when the energy wanes.
Give thanks and Blessings to those who came and clear the space.
Make notes in your journal.

May these special Buddha Blessings touch your life in magickal ways!