Yes it's that time of year again - it's Mercury Retrograde!
Every year, several times a year, Mercury (the planet of Communication) goes retrograde and right now we are in its retrograde phase. So how does this affect us?
Items not arriving, things going missing, delays in receiving things.
TECH issues:
Computers playing up, e-mails etc going missing, posts not showing up, texts not received. Tech and communication devices seem slower than usual and tech issues occurring.
- What you say may not be received in the way you hoped; in fact some folks may look at you like you are talking alien-speak.
- People tend to not listen properly during Merc retrograde and may not understand the point/s you are trying to make.
- They also tend to take umbrage very quickly.
- People are quick to anger, including yourself at times, expect kneejerk reactions.
Travel – double and triple check travel arrangements which may be changed.
Meetings – expect last minute cancellations and/or rescheduling.
Avoid big purchases especially expensive ones.
Contracts may be subject to delays and may need changes before finally being signed.
- Read it at least twice before sending anything!
- Speak clearly and patiently.
- Send out reminders for meetings.
- Avoid signing contracts until Mercury retrograde is over. If you have to sign a contract, read the small print very carefully, contracts may need to be renegotiated or reconsidered.
- Buying a property – avoid if you can, if not get a full survey done.
- Patience, patience, patience with yourself and others.

If this makes you feel like hiding away for a few weeks, there is an upside:
As Mercury retrograde tends to slow things down, this is not the time to launch anything new or push, push, push. Instead it’s a great time to catch up with outstanding tasks, catch up with clients and friends, and to catch up with yourself.
It’s all about the Re’s: reviewing, revising, reflecting, rethinking, reworking, reconnecting, repairing, rebooting, resetting, restoring, replenishing.
Someone or something from the past may reappear, or you may be retracing your steps in some way.
It’s a great time for a personal retreat so that you can recharge, reboot, reset and renew.
This retrograde will be over by the mid June when things will settle down again.
Have you been aware of any of the above recently?
Enjoy slowing down a bit for a few weeks, use it to catch up with yourself and any outstanding jobs you haven't had time for.
Elly x