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It’s a Blue Moon (as it’s the second Full Moon in the same month), it’s also a Super Moon and will look huge as it rises. It’s in dreamy, intuitive Pisces. You could be feeling a little spacey and finding it difficult to concentrate as you’d rather be staring at clouds or daydreaming.

Water signs and Empaths will feel this Full Moon more deeply, you may be feeling super-sensitive during this transit. Make time for TLC and nurture yourself. Full Moons always make us feel a bit more emotional than usual, so be kind to yourself. Emotions may be more exaggerated that usual, so avoid being triggered as kneejerk reactions could create arguments.

Pisces’ symbol is the two fishes, you might feel pulled in two different directions about something. Use this Full Moon to attune to the Divine and ask for guidance, do your best to relax and surrender so that space can be made for the clarity you seek.

Pisces is also a healing sign, if tears need to be shed let them come, I always tell my clients that ‘your tears are your healing rain.’ You may also feel able to forgive someone now, as the Full Moon heightens your empathy, and you realise that you can forgive and move on now.

How much space do you make in your daily/weekly/monthly life for your spirituality? Life can be so busy that sometimes it gets edged out with all the doing. This Full Moon reminds us that it’s about Being, it gives us an opportunity to review and implement new spiritual practices that will support us in moving forward.

This Full Moon heightens psychic sensitivity, so be open to receiving ‘downloads’ and create space to allow it in. Dreamtime is very active too, many downloads happening, do write them all down as they will make sense later.

This wonderful Supermoon will also shine a light on something or someone that may come as a bit of a shock, but you need to know this. Anything you may have been hiding under the carpet or ignoring will be highlighted now, it needs to be dealt with as it has been blocking you energetically and blocking your progress.

Reminder: Mercury (planet of communication) is retrograde until 15th September. Be as clear as you can in your communications, because for some reason during Merc retro, people don’t listen properly or read things properly which causes miscommunication. Also, double check travel arrangements if you’re going away.

Uranus (the Awakener) is also retrograde, pay attention to details, clean your windows so that you don’t miss the signs.

With six planets retrograde, things may feel like they are being slowed down, or obstacles are being presented but that won’t be for long. These retrogrades invite us to slow down and reflect, to be honest with ourselves. They can also cause endings and new beginnings.

Heads up: In October we head into the final Eclipse season of the year, however, the effects could kick in early. You will get an idea of what this means for you, so pay heed to any warning signs.

artist (c) Briar

The good news is that in September, Venus (planet of Love and Money) is no longer retrograde, and Mercury ends its retrograde. Life will therefore start to flow better again, relationships will be lighter and money should flow again.

This special Full Moon gives you the go ahead for the next four weeks, to act on your creative and intuitive impulses. You may want to start a new course or learn something new. You may want to start something new or launch something new.

This Full Moon illuminates whatever has been holding you back, there’s no need to hold back, now’s the time to do what you really want to do and have fun along the way!

Any changes that you implement now and over the next few weeks will last, so keep the faith and go forward step by step, day by day.

It’s an ideal time for a Tarot or Oracle reading, try this 4-card spread:

Card 1 – the current situation/problem

Card 2 – the healing solution

Card 3 – the one right at the bottom of the deck – indicates what may be blocking you.

Card 4 – the outcome


Make time for daydreaming

Make time for creativity

Pay attention to your dreams

Talk to your Ancestors/Guides/Guardians/Angels

Don’t overlook the small details in your day-to-day life

Be open to the changes that will occur

Nurture yourself

Make decisions only when you feel grounded and centred

Be open to receiving help when it’s offered (drop your pride)

Ask for help if you need it

Believe in yourself – you’ve got this!

May all your Blue Moon dreams come true!


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