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Full Moon in Sagittarius

(artist unknown)

The exhausting solar flares seem to have settled down again for a while, and astrologically it’s been a much quieter and less intense time leading up to this Full Moon. Full Moons are the culmination of the previous four weeks, so give yourself a pat on the back for journeying well through another month.

Sagittarius is the Traveller of the zodiac, a fire sign who always seems to have lots of energy. This positive Full Moon helps to fire up our confidence and gives us the courage to do what we need to do. However, we’re also guided to tune into our intuition when weighing up pros and cons or making decisions.

We are now in June, the first moon of Summer and Sagittarius may be causing you to have itchy feet, wanting to travel or do something different. Whilst your day-to-day stuff still has to be done, plan an away day and go somewhere you’ve never been before.

As the Traveller of the Zodiac, Sagittarius needs a certain amount of freedom, and all signs may find themselves resisting if anyone tries to block you or restrict you in any way. When this happens, balance your head and heart, listen to what everyone involved has to say but trust your intuition.

And if you’ve been stuck in a rut, wallowing rather than growing, get yourself out of it and start doing things in a different way. It’s a great time to start a new project or learn something new, allowing the mind to travel not just the body.

Astrologically, the fire of Sagittarius is deeply transformative, June is a snake month and it’s time for you to shed your old skin and anything from the past that has been holding you back.

Do more clutter clearing on all levels; your environment, your body and your mind.

This is the perfect time for self-development and finding a deeper meaning in life. After all that you’ve been through the past few years, you may have found yourself questioning everything in your life, or wondering ‘is this it, is this all there is?’ Now is the time to start exploring how that can change.

This is something I’ve been helping clients to do for several decades, if you're ready for your life to have more meaning, then let’s have an informal online chat and cuppa. Contact me at

Sagittarius is the Archer, you are the arrow -

where are you headed and where do you want to land?

Are you willing to allow yourself to fly?

If you find things are slow, not working properly or even breaking down, or you come up against some kind of conflict. Don’t panic. The solution is there, you just need to be a bit more courageous about it and take positive action yourself. Sagittarius prefers less fighting and more loving!

Keys to this Full Moon transit

Have faith

Stay balanced and grounded

Be willing to change

Breakthroughs are possible now

Be open to possibilities and opportunities

Own your potential

Move beyond your limitations

Be bold

Trust yourself

Live your truth

Be grateful for all that you have right now

Remember to breathe!

Full Moon Blessings y’all!


P.S. Re my e-newsletter. I can no longer access the site that I create my newsletters on as my dear old computer is on its last legs. We’re in the process of getting a new computer, so please bear with me; normal service will be resumed soon.

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