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Full Moon in Pisces

artist: (c)Josphine Wall

These are emotional times, and this Full Moon has already brought emotions to the surface for many. You may have found it hard to concentrate over the past few days and felt a bit spacey.

There’s a lot of grief energy around the world with all that is going on, and yesterday this was exacerbated by the death of the Queen. I’m not a staunch royalist, however I had the greatest respect and admiration for the Queen. She taught us all about loyalty, perseverance and being of service. How many of us could have stuck with the same job for over 70 years and worked right up until the end? She was a remarkable woman, a real lady with a brilliant sense of humour. I had a feeling she would use the Full Moon energies to help her cross over.

Dreamtime has been busy and quite vivid for me, how about you? Keep a note of your dreams – both waking and sleeping – and any insights that you receive now.

This Full Moon is about letting go of all that you have been holding onto. Let go of the anger, the fear, the anxiety, cast it all out to Grandmother Moon who will transmute it with Her healing moonbeams.

Stop being so hard on yourself – and others, life is tough enough right now. Try to forgive, not easy I know, our ego always wants to have the last word and/or be righteous. But by not forgiving, you are slowly poisoning your energy and affecting your health. Be like Pisces, go with the flow and try and let go of the need to control everything and everyone.

And Mercury (planet of communication) is retrograde until mid October. This is not the time to push full steam ahead. Don’t make any big purchases or big life changing decisions – wait until this retrograde has finished before taking action.

Do what needs to be done, and instead use this retrograde to catch up with the things you have let slip, including people.

If you do have to sign a contract, double and triple check it and read the small print before signing.

Check the car before travelling; tyres, oil and water and if using other transport double check travel arrangements.

Think carefully before hitting send on any devices, read it twice before sending.

Mercury retrograde is a time to reduce, relax, reflect, recharge and reassess.

This Full Moon is perfect for meditation and focusing on spirituality.

Over the next couple of days take some quiet time out for yourself.

And if you fancy doing something spiritual, there is a Free online weekend conference dedicated to Grandmother Gaia.

I’m giving an hour’s talk at 3pm this afternoon (Friday). I will be talking about how our body is connected to Gaia, and it would be lovely to see some familiar faces there!

You can join for free by clicking the link which will take you into the website (where you can see the schedule of amazing speakers for Friday, Saturday and Sunday)

Take your time with everything over the coming weeks, there’s no rush.

Slow down and take your time with people too, be patient with them, there’s no rush.

Slow down when you are eating, there’s no rush.

Slow down during your day and say to yourself “there’s no rush.”

The energies are strongly urging us to slow down and create sacred pauses in our day. This will help us to go with the flow rather than against it.

Full Moons are always about culmination, so look back over the past four weeks and see what occurred, and how far you have come. As the Moon wanes so the energy wanes, which means it’s time to slow down a bit as we head towards the next New Moon.

Keep visualising your dreams and goals, just less intensely. Even though the way may not seem clear at the moment, keep on keeping on and eventually we will all be shown the way. Keep the faith.

Keys to this Full Moon phase:

· Letting go

· Forgiving

· Releasing

· Slowing down

· Going with the flow

· Tuning into your intuition

· Meditating

· Trusting

Full Moon Blessings to y’all!

Elly x

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