Full Moon in Gemini
Artists: (c) Linda & Roger Garland
It’s the last Full Moon of the year. Full Moons are the culmination of the previous four weeks, so how has the past month been for you?
Gemini is the networker and chatterbox of the zodiac, it’s a good time to socialise and enjoy conversations with people. It’s also a good time for planning and organising.
Keep a note of your dreams and insights over the next few days, as there’s the opportunity for great downloads this week. The more relaxed and open you are, the more you will receive.
If you’ve been feeling a bit emotional lately, ‘tis the Full Moon energies as well as Chiron (planet of The Wounded Healer) helping us to do some more deep healing. Let the emotions come up, don’t stuff them away, better out than in as that’s how you heal them.
Flexibility is required with this Full Moon as you could experience a few WTF moments particularly regarding nearest and dearest. Adults behaving like children and throwing tantrums is an example. Just remember they are the ones reacting but you have the choice whether to react or not. You are better informed so you can decide how to respond.
Things could get a bit irritating and rows/confrontations are possible, do your best not to over-react. Just remember to breathe………! The calmer you are, the smoother life will be.
That doesn’t mean allowing people to let rip at you, stand your ground and speak your truth. Do it with kindness as much as you can depending upon the situation.
We are also building up to the Winter Solstice here in the northern hemisphere. It’s always an intense time and is a time when some use the Solstice energies to cross over.

Keys to riding this Full Moon energy
Stay hydrated
This will help to steady your emotions and keep your mind clear.
Stay grounded
Walk away from potential trouble and go for a walk in Nature, stamp your feet on the ground to get the frustration energy out of your body. Mother Earth is happy to take it.
Gemini rules communication – be careful how you communicate anything, be careful what you say and avoid getting drawn into nasty gossip. Think before you speak or hit send!
Implement the above points before making any decisions or taking action. Stop and think carefully with both your head and your heart before deciding.
If things aren’t going as quickly as you would like or don’t seem to be falling into place, be patient, timing is everything. Remember that Mars (planet of action) is still retrograde. Also some other information may be needed before you can proceed.
Mercury (planet of communication) is going retrograde at the end of the month. Including the shadow periods, this Merc retrograde period will roughly be 23 December to end of January 2023.

It’s a beautiful time of year; berries on the Holly bring a splash of colour to the garden that is full of slumbering plants and trees.
Colour and sparkle grace our neighbourhoods and the excitement of the Festive season is palpable.
Look for the beauty in each day.
Full Moon Blessings to y’all!