Full Moon in Virgo
artist: (c) Josephine Wall
March is the month where big transformations start for all of us personally and globally, get ready for change.
How have you been since the New Moon? We’ve had solar flares that made many of us feel very tired, plus the build up to the Full Moon.
Full Moons are the culmination of the past four weeks. Celebrate what worked and let go of what didn’t, what have you learned from the past month? The illumination of this Full Moon may create an Aha moment for some. This Full Moon in Virgo gives us an insight or answer that we have been seeking, especially regarding something of a practical nature.
The other big astrological news is that Saturn (the Cosmic Taskmaster) moves into Pisces for the next three years. Think back to what was going on for you 1993-1996, that’s the last time that Saturn was in Pisces.
Saturn in Pisces is a significant push to release the old and create space for the new that is waiting to come in.
Saturn is restrictive and gives us boundaries to work from – how are your boundaries?
Saturn reminds us of our responsibilities, the time for burying your head in the sand is over, it’s time to step up to the responsibilities that need dealing with. It’s time to grow up. It’s also a great time to cut the dead wood from our lives.
On the plus side, although Saturn likes us to be committed and work hard, the rewards are so worth it. If you’re committed to your dream/goal and willing to put the work in, then you have a very good chance of it all manifesting.
However, because of the changes that need to happen we may feel resistance, which is natural because we are creatures of habit that don’t really like change. Drop the resistance as much as you can, otherwise it will all be so much harder for you. When you feel resistance it’s usually to do with fear, fear of the unknown, fear of change etc. Make the move before you are pushed or shoved into the change that needs to happen.

I know that change can be painful and with Jupiter (planet of Expansion and Blessings) conjunct Chiron (planet of The Wounded Healer) on 12th March, something painful may come to light that needs to be acknowledged and healed so that you can move on.
Letting go is never easy, what I can tell you is that it always leads to something/someone better.
Some of you are more than ready to make a complete break and start over, or may decide that you simply cannot carry on this way anymore, and you’re ready to step onto a new path.
Over the next three years, you have to be honest with yourself and others, however difficult that may be. You have to be true to yourself.
Remember that Saturn always gives you the strength to get through the changes and come out the other side stronger and wiser.

For all of us – and globally too I hope – Saturn in Pisces is about finding peace and reconciliation.
It’s about our spirituality deepening and pursuing soul nourishing activities.
The Virgo Full Moon reminds us to take some time out for self-care. Use this Full Moon transit to take a few days to slow down and nurture yourself, it’s time to stop rushing and start relaxing.
Commit to scheduling more time to do this for yourself on a regular daily and weekly basis, remember the smallest changes lead to the biggest results.
Ready to improve your nutrition or start exercising more? Start off gently and soon you will see great results.
We are all being prepared for new beginnings and moving in a new direction. Stay in touch with your intuition; be open to subtle messages and signs that may give you an indication of your new direction.
It’s a time to get our house and affairs in order so that we are organised for when the new change happens, as it could happen quickly for some. It’s also a time to focus on our wellbeing and put a new plan in place that we will stick to.
Remember that we are in a Rabbit year. This is a loving and gentle reminder to be kind to yourself and to be kind to others as much as you can, despite whatever is going on. We’re all going through it, it’s just that we understand why more than they might, so be kind.
The next three years are about empowerment, sticking to our boundaries, speaking our truth when we need to and living from our inner strength and spiritual fortitude. It’s a time when our dreams can become a reality.
Full Moon Blessings y’all!