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Full Moon in Cancer

The first Full Moon of the year is in sensitive, nurturing, home-loving Cancer. It’s a Full Moon to enjoy some cosy home time and to give yourself plenty of TLC.

This is quite an intense and emotional Full Moon that will bring to the surface any raw emotions that have been simmering for a while. They need to come out, so let them out, as it’s very healing.

This Full Moon is also quite nostalgic, so you may find yourself reflecting on the people from the past and also the past year. This Full Moon is an opportunity to heal whatever happened then and to let it go now.

Cancer is all about home and family, does your home support you in the way it needs to? If not, what can you do about that? Do you feel supported by your family?

Everything we clear and heal with this Full Moon creates space for us to move forward towards what we really want. It’s a time when your intuition will become more heightened, so pay attention, this may come in the form of symbols or signs.

A reminder that Mercury (planet of communication) is still retrograde until 18th January, be aware of how you communicate until then, as what you say may not be received in the way you intended.

This is not a time for pushing anything, especially yourself. If you’ve felt that everything you have tried to do so far this year has felt like hard work and doesn’t seem to be happening the way you want it to, it’s due to planetary retrogrades. Ease up pressuring yourself; take your foot off the brake just for a few days.

Make the most of this restful phase that January is giving us, as once all the retrograde planets start moving forward again; life will get much, much busier. Use this time to rest, heal, and build up your immunity and strength.

The year ahead is going to be one of powerful shifts and changes, globally as well as personally. For the rest of this month, be open to how you could do things differently from now on. If you do the same old same old, you will get the same old same old, how can you do things differently this year? Be open to solutions and suggestions that others may have and through your heightened intuition.

We are currently in what I call the New Year Window, the time between the 1st January and when Chinese New Year starts, which this year is on 22nd January. Now is the best time to do Spring Cleaning. Clear out your cupboards especially anything out of date, check the medicine cupboard and what about your make-up (if you wear it)? Fix anything broken or dripping, declutter and have a jolly good clean.

It’s the year of the Water Rabbit and it will be a less intense year than the previous few years. Life will flow better and have more ease. If you would like to know more about this, how it will personally affect you and other great tips for 2023, don’t miss out on my online Masterclass on 19th January, more details here:

Keys for riding this Full Moon transit:

Listen more

Talk less

Hug more

Worry less

Rest, reflect, relax

Full Moon Affirmation:

“I let go and trust in Divine Timing. I know that what is waiting for me will find me. I honour my body by resting and caring for it. All is well”.

Gentle Full Moon Blessings to y’all!


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