Full Moon in Virgo (artist unknown)
Have you found it difficult to concentrate recently? We’ve had four major planets in Pisces that has made some folks feel spacey and dreamy, unsettled or unable to concentrate because you felt like drifting off instead. Thankfully this week’s Full Moon in Virgo helps to ground us again.
So how y’all doing with all that’s going on? I know that everything feels like a real mindf*ck at the moment - hang on in there. Do what you can to help, as that will make you feel less impotent. The good thing is that the whole world is uniting, as people the world over do not want this.
Even the most trained/aware of us is feeling it, so please don’t feel that you are alone. In my recent video I shared techniques that will help, if you missed it you can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu4eWNP2Ielo0FqrwDkdX1A
Full Moons are the culmination of the previous four weeks, a time to give thanks for what worked and let go of what didn’t. The energy of the Moon will now be on the wane, so it’s a time to slow down and focus on your wellbeing for a few days. How well have you been looking after yourself lately?
This Full Moon is in Virgo so make magick in a practical way, tune into your domestic God/dess and clear the cobwebs with your magick feather duster wand.

Artist: (c) Sharon Starney
Q. What do I need to let go of in order to take a step closer to manifesting my dreams and goals? What practical steps can I take?
This Full Moon also helps nudge us to continue clearing out what we don’t need. Donate what you don’t need to charities, sell some of it and donate the money. Virgo reminds us to find beauty in the mundane, to not moan about our chores but be grateful for them and find the pleasure in doing them. We all have so much to be grateful for.
Are you open to receiving practical help? Someone could be trying to help you, accept the help. Or it could be that someone has some practical advice to offer, listen to it. This Virgo Full Moon brings help of a practical nature in a myriad of ways over the next few days, be open to it. This may well be the solution you have been looking for.
Is there something you need to have a good think about or some area of your life that you are reassessing or reworking? Use the next couple of weeks to slow down enough to get some clarity about what you need to do next.
Are you a perfectionist? Then it’s time give yourself some slack, life isn’t perfect and we are not meant to be perfect. Instead of beating yourself up all the time, look for the beauty around you and choose to be happy instead.
Have you been stuck in the same old routine? Virgo encourages us to find better ways of doing things. Virgo also focuses on health and wellbeing, what are you doing to support yourself physically and emotionally? (and if you need any help with that just let me know). Going for a walk every day will help to ground all the head stuff and clear the mental cobwebs, it also helps your lymphatic to get moving so that your body can clear toxins.
Do you get distracted easily? Do you find that you’ve wasted an hour scrolling on your ‘phone or iPad? You can’t get that hour back. Limit yourself so that you can use your time in a way that is more productive and more nourishing for you, and leads you towards what you want rather than distracting you from it.
What are you choosing for yourself? Every day? Every hour?
Finish the following sentence “I choose ………………….”
There’s a lot of emotional clearing going on as well which will be heightened by this Full Moon. Who have you been ‘carrying’ for too long? Who drains your energy? It’s time to cut them loose or at least withdraw your energy for a while. For the rest of this month we need to rest as much as we can before Eclipse season starts next month, as April could be pretty turbulent.
We’re in a time of great healing both personally and globally. The more we can heal ourselves, find peace within and be compassionate with ourselves and others, the more the world can also. It’s time to clear the chaos internally and in our lives so that peace can be restored within and without.

Focus on what brings you joy. Focus on beauty – look at the Spring flowers now coming up. Plan your gardens and what you want to grow this year. Get outside as much as you can, the Sun is warming the Earth and also gives us strength with His loving, warming, energy.
And soon it will be Spring Equinox here in the northern hemisphere and the start of the new astrological year. This is Aries season and we will get a boost of Arian energy to help us push our boundaries and go for it in a more positive and energetic way.
It’s important to remain as balanced as we can. Too much head stuff can make us ungrounded, as can trying to escape mentally with fantasies as a way of coping with what is going on. Stay grounded, eat plenty of veggies and get out in the garden, even if it’s planting peas in a pot, get in touch with the Earth in whatever way you can.
Keys to the rest of this month:
- Stay grounded.
- Rest as much as you can.
- Make your health your priority.
- Remember to breathe fully and deeply several times a day.
- Stay hydrated.
- Take time to reassess your habits, beliefs, routines, the way you work, your relationships – it’s time to spring clean everything!
- Get rid of who/what you don’t need.
- Plant some seeds literally and figuratively.
- Have a think about what seeds (dreams/goals) you want to see flourish this year for you.
- Do something positive for yourself.
- Be kind to yourself.
- Just be yourself.
- Just Be.
Full Moon Blessings and lots of love to y’all!
Elly x