Welcome to the last Full Moon of 2023 in the home-loving sign of Cancer – how perfect for the Festive Season! It’s a time to enjoy hearth and home and each other.
Full Moons bring emotions to the surface especially when they’re in a water sign, which Cancer is. Honour what comes up without wallowing and allow it to heal so that you can move on. If you get triggered, avoid aggression/being defensive, recognise you’ve been triggered, walk away and have some quiet time for yourself.
A Full Moon is the culmination of the previous month and this one gives us a chance to reflect on the previous year. When you think about all the New Moons and Full Moons we’ve had this year, can you see how much you have changed and shifted with each one? You are not who you were in January, much has changed. Give yourself some credit for getting through what has been a really tough year at times.
Cancer encourages us to enjoy our homes and loved ones during this Festive transit, to rest, laugh and enjoy life with each other. Find something to celebrate about yourself, you did it, you got through this year, you stretched yourself and did things you never thought you would do. How awesome is that? Now if you can do that, you can do anything in 2024.

There’s a lovely Chinese folk saying that says “nourishing life at Winter Solstice is great Dao” reminding us that the quiet moons of Winter are the time to nourish ourselves in preparation for the year ahead. It recommends that we go to bed early and get up late, which aligns with the lack of light in the northern hemisphere at this time of year. However, anything more than 8 hours is too much sleep. Always keep your back warm and avoid getting chilled. Stick to gentle exercise like walking, Tai Chi or gentle Yoga. Add ginger and black pepper to foods as they are warming, onions and garlic are immune boosting.

I recently advised a client to just stop and create space for themselves. To not worry about next year just yet, to give themselves space between now and then to rest, reflect and recharge.
I advise all of us to do the same. So many are wanting to rush into the New Year already - ease up, there’s plenty of time. Creating space makes room for creativity and new ideas to come in.
The Full Moon can make us feel a bit emotional and nostalgic at this time of year. Remember those who are no longer here with love and gratitude. Try not to wallow if you feel down, remember Solstice has passed and the light is already returning. Look to the light, surround yourself with light and/or people who carry light.
Key to this festive Full Moon transit

Stay in the moment, stay fully present
I’ve been using the time since the Solstice to reflect, and I’ve learned a lot about myself this year. 2023 was a hard year for me, amongst many things that happened I had to let go of my beloved Apothecary Garden website (although I’m still making Essences for clients). I’ve stretched myself and done things I didn’t think I’d do, like being a guest on several podcasts – which I’ve loved! I also worked my butt off to bring business in, to the point of burnout, and I will never do that to myself again. Next year must be different. How has 2023 been for you? What will be different for you next year? (and if you need some help with that, do get in touch).

With Mercury still retrograde until the beginning of January, many of us cannot see the way ahead, let alone plan it, so don’t try. As I said above, stay in the moment. Don’t wallow in the past or start worrying about the future. Take each day as it comes, be grateful for it, look for the magick in every day and the rest will fall into place when the time is right.
Thank you all for taking the time to read my Blog over this past year and thank you to those who got in touch – I always love hearing from you. I look forward to us all sharing a brighter year ahead together.
The signs are good for a better year ahead where the energy will flow much better and the Wheel of Fortune - which seems to have been stuck for an entire year - finally starts to move upwards again. So, hang on in there, better times are coming.
Wishing you and yours a peaceful, happy Festive season.
Elly x