Full SUPER Moon in Capricorn – it’s a Super moon and will look huge when it’s rising!
It has been a bit emotional and intense for some folks leading up to this Full Moon and what about those dreams?!
- Have you been feeling hypersensitive lately?
- Have you been triggered recently?
- Have you felt an inner struggle going on?
It’s all to do with this week’s Full Moon, it’s a time of re-evaluating and re-assessing what really matters and that can be emotional. Added to that are the unexpected curveballs that have come up for some of you and it’s no wonder that you’ve been a bit wobbly.
(I have some appointment spaces left this month, if you would like some support with this).
On this side of the pond the current heatwave has added to this, intensifying all that is going on. Be kind to yourself, remember we are human and have human emotions and it’s okay to feel them.
This Full Moon shines a light on where you’ve been working hard, and you should see your hard work paying off now. It’s a time of progress in your career, so keep on doing what you’re doing as you are going in the right direction.
However, we are also reminded that we need to keep a balance and not be a workaholic. This Full Moon is all about finding the right life/work balance – how are you doing with that? Are you giving too much time to one and not enough time to the other?
This is not a time to be pushing yourself too hard and working long hours. Remember to stop, have regular breaks, take time out in Nature, and remember to breathe properly.

I feel a sense of change and transformation with the energies of this Full Moon. We are being asked to let go of someone of something that may be impeding our progress.
The Full Moon will shine the light of illumination and you will see something/someone more clearly, this may lead to disappointment, but better to know now and be able to do something about it.
It’s a good time for re-establishing your personal and business boundaries. This Full Moon phase brings an ideal opportunity for transformation in your home and business life. It’s a time of expansion for everyone, so free yourself from what holds you back. Remember that no-one has the right to hold you back.
There’s an opportunity for new directions to appear, they may need some thinking about and changes will need to be made to accommodate them, however you will know in your gut that this is exactly what you need to do and where you need to go. (BTW this could be right under your nose). Try not to resist the changes that need to occur, they are leading to something even better.
Tempers may flare, so do your best not to get to embroiled and waste your precious energy. This is to do with triggers, so if you do react, try and work out why you were triggered - and if you need help with that, let me know. Wear blue and use blue around your home to keep a calm atmosphere. Work with the healing blue ray to send calm energy into your aura and those around you - especially for the men in the family, watch their stress levels this month.
Energy-wise, in the build up to this Full Moon you may have found it hard to concentrate, you may have felt a bit dizzy and even nauseous at times. We are being bombarded with a lot of different types of energies at the moment.
Health-wise, it’s a time to nurture ourselves a bit more, making time to give ourselves a bit of TLC, don’t keep putting it off – do it! It’s a hot summer here in the UK, however to aid your digestion don’t have too much cold or raw stuff, as it can cause inflammation and congestion.
Feng Shui-wise, this Full Moon offers us all a bit of breathing space over the next couple of weeks, we are still in a Tiger year and it may have been a bit hectic over the past few months. Also this month hosts the infection star, so keep your hygiene and health protection practices up. Take care of your head and face during July too.

Capricorn is a practical sign, so on a practical level this is an ideal time to review plans made at the previous New Moons and the beginning of the year. You will see how far you have come and how much has changed, particularly you.
It’s time to revise your plans for the rest of the year and beyond and take practical steps to make those plans a reality.
Full Moons are about celebrating and honouring all that we have experienced over the past four weeks. Remember to have fun too, all work and no play makes a person dull and boring.

This Full Moon brings the power of removing obstacles such as letting go of something/someone to create the space for the answers you have been looking for, and signs of how to move forward. Try this:
Go out in Nature
Take a few minutes to ensure that you are grounded and connected to the Earth.
Take a few deep breaths, from the belly all the way up.
On the next breath, breathe from the base of your spine all the way up your spine to the top of your head - in one deep breath. (repeat a couple of times if it doesn’t work straight away).
Close your eyes and visualise any obstacles that are around you, use your breath to literally blow them away and see them disintegrate into particles that disappear on the wind.
Now lift your head to the sky and open your arms wide, you are opening to receive divine grace and cosmic love, which fills every cell of your Being.
Then when you are ready, give thanks and trust that the answers you seek will now find their way to you. Be receptive to the new direction/pathway that will be opening up for you.

artist (c)Josephine Wall
Keys to working with this Full Moon:
Balance work and home
Make self-care a priority
Watch your temper – be careful of the words you use
Be courageous re the unexpected curveballs
Be open to new possibilities and directions
Remember to make time for fun
You are such a beautiful Being, and you deserve the very best that life can give you. Have a wonder-filled Full Moon transit.
Elly xx