artist (c) Josephine Wall
Full Moons are the culmination of the past month, a chance to celebrate what worked and release what didn’t. Full Moons often make us feel more emotional than usual, especially if you are a water sign or have lots of water in your chart, so you could be triggered more easily. Remember to stop, breathe and think before reacting if you can.
The Full Moon could make folks a bit volatile, so there could be some arguments brewing. There could also be some push/pull energy with you wanting to do something and others wanting you to do it their way. Is it time to change the way you do things, is your daily routine working for you or does it need a refresh?
Leo is a fire sign, and this Full Moon wants us to have some fun and play like children or dabble in some creativity. If you or life, has been too serious lately, go out and play instead – you are allowed to lighten up and have fun you know!
Leo is the show-off of the zodiac, have you been hiding your light? Are you reticent about showing how gorgeous you are to the world or shouting about your talents? This Full Moon is shining the spotlight on you, so;
How do you want to present yourself when you are centre stage?
What do you look like?
What are you wearing?
How are you feeling?
It’s worth exploring this.
Here in the northern hemisphere, Spring is starting to emerge – are you ready to emerge and blossom in the world?
This Full Moon reveals the truth about something or someone; it shines a big light on what has been hidden until now. If it doesn’t feel quite right, then it probably isn’t, trust your gut reaction, this is a time of us all living in our truth and expecting the same from others.

Change has been stirring in many of us and is all part of the Divine plan. Uranus (The Awakener) will tip us out of our comfort zones and ruts to bring in these changes and get us moving in the direction we’re supposed to be going in.
The more we resist the changes that need to happen, the harder they will be (as a fixed sign, I hate change, so I am taking note!).
Uranus can be unpredictable so what happens may come as a shock, however it will lead to something much better than you can ever have imagined for yourself.
Full Moons increase the messages we receive in our dreamtime, keep a note of them. Also you may get inspirational downloads at this time, write them down too. This is not a time to rush into major decisions, wait a few days as you may need more information or to do more research.
With this Full Moon you can expect your energy to re-awaken and increase, and your passion for life to return.
Lighten up and have more fun.
Simplify everything in your life.
Respect the rumbling of change in your life and go with it.
Shine your light.
Open your heart and trust.
Feel the fear and do it anyway.
Be compassionate towards others and especially yourself.
Be proud of who you are, hold your head high, toss your mane and strut your stuff!

artist unknown
Full Moon Blessings y’all!