Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
Oh my word! What an intense and exhausting build up to this Full Moon lunar eclipse. Have you felt it? How about my fellow Scorps? If you have Scorpio prominent in your chart you have no doubt felt the build up in the past week.
We’ve also been dealing with exhausting solar flares again, which those of you who are super-sensitive will have felt – unusual tiredness the past few days, unable to concentrate for long, just wanting to sleep.
The Full Moon energies may have brought to the surface stuff that you thought you had dealt with; old stuff, old fears and doubts which caused a few wobbles.
We also have Pluto (lord of the underworld) retrograde adding to the deep diving into the depths in order for us to transform.
Don’t be afraid of dealing with your shadow side, it’s the pathway to freedom. It’s time to kick out the negative gremlins that have been hiding in the shadow bogging down your psyche and affecting your confidence for far too long.

Scorpio evolves from Scorpion to Eagle to Phoenix
We are at the Phoenix stage, where we look back at the ashes of what we have let go of and released, and rise with passion and fire as the Phoenix.
Scorpio encourages us to dive deep into our own underworld so that we can undergo deep transformation and rise reborn again.
The other thing about Scorpio is that is will only stand for the truth. The Full Moon is illuminating the truth about a person or situation, you are seeing this truth as if for the first time and you may not be happy about it.
It’s being highlighted for a reason; it’s something you need to be aware of before you proceed further. You may be ending something and starting something new. Closing the door on something or someone so that you can move forward. You may already be aware of this and have felt a natural ending brewing. You need to give yourself permission to move on.
On an inner level, you really do have to let go of those old habits, patterns, beliefs and ways of doing things, as they no longer work for who you are becoming. They’ve been a comfortable habit that you absolutely have to let go of now. It’s time to release all that you no longer need.
If you would like some 1-2-1 help, I have two appointment slots available at the end of May. Contact me for more info. How can I help? As a triple Scorpio, I’ve been down to those depths many times and know the Shadow Dance very well; I now help others to navigate theirs.

Try not to be a Drama Queen during this intense period.
Avoid stubbornly resisting the energies and instead follow where this journey wants to take you – be prepared for some twists and turns.
There are gems of insight to be gained if you allow yourself to see and feel them.
Avoid being the Scorpion, be like Eagle and rise above it.
This Lunar Eclipse closes the current Eclipse season, however the effects can be felt for months afterwards. So if nothing major happens this week, it could all unfold over the coming months – or it may have already started.
Remember that Eclipses always lead to something better. So ride the emotions, and do the deep diving, as it will help you to step into your power more fully.
The good news: Jupiter (planet of luck and opportunity) is moving into Taurus which will bring beneficial joyful, abundant energies to our lives, Jupiter helps us to expand our selves and our lives. After wading through all the heavy Eclipse stuff, Jupiter helps us to make progress again. So chin up, eyes ahead and be open to the opportunities that may be out there for you.
And by the end of the month Mercury’s (planet of communication/war) retrograde will be settled and sorted and things will start to flow again. Tech problems will ease and communication will be easier with one another.

Don’t forget to charge your crystals with this powerful Full Moon eclipse energy. It’s also a great time to purify yourself by detoxing. As well as helping your body, it will help your emotions enabling you to deal with what comes up. Think of it as cleansing yourself before rebirth.
TLC – TLC – TLC! Emotions are high, feelings are tender and you may be feeling vulnerable. So treat yourself kindly, pamper yourself.
Stay away from other people’s dramas.
Listen to your higher self, your inner voice.
Sleep and nap when you need to, especially during the day.
DETOX – stay away from social media and the news, listen to uplifting and/or soothing music instead. Drink plenty of water; stop eating crap, limit alcohol.
Stay away from anyone who lowers your vibration; tell them you’re hibernating for a few days.
If it’s toxic – let it (or them) go.
Speak your truth, live your truth, only accept truth.
Full Moon and gentle lunar eclipse Blessings to you!