Full Moon partial lunar eclipse in Taurus
artist (c) Sabrina Underwood
Full Moons are about completions, the partial lunar eclipse ends the final Eclipse season of the year, and also brings to a close issues that have led to life lessons since November 2021. How much has changed for you since then? How much have you changed since then?
Give yourself a pat on the back for all you have been through since then, it wasn’t easy at times, so give yourself credit for how far you have come.
Passions and feelings may rise with this Full Moon, don’t make any major life changing decisions until the next New Moon if you can. This Full Moon eclipse is about finding the balance between desires and responsibilities and letting go of heavy complications in your life in order to find more simplicity. Life has become so complicated and many of us yearn for a simpler way of being, living and working.
Eclipses stir things up in our lives and also in ourselves, they cause a type of restlessness, a feeling of something brewing or wanting to be birthed. Have you felt this? This eclipse gives you permission to go for it, to put into the world that which has been steadily growing internally, the ideas you have been toying with can now become real and put out into the world.

This eclipse is especially powerful as it’s close to Samhain/Hallowe’en, the veil between the worlds is thinning, there is great potency available.
Take care then in your rituals and spell casting, as what you ask for could manifest quite quickly. Be very, very careful what you ask for as it could happen in ways that you don’t expect.
Eclipses and Samhain have a habit of ripping away any veils of illusion we may have about a person or situation. This can be upsetting, however it’s better to be aware now rather than get hurt further down the line. This applies to business life as well as personal life. And also to the illusions we have about ourselves, it’s a time of revelation.

Full Moons magnify situations and emotions can be a bit over the top, avoid kneejerk reactions if you can, and wait a few days before taking any matter further. Avoid conflict under this magnification even if you feel like you are being pulled in two different directions. The Full Moon will also shine a light on any action that you need to take and guide your way.
Business-wise, it’s time to let go of what’s not working and start doing something different, some may even be pivoting completely. For others it may feel like you have come full circle. If business has been stagnating, who/what needs to go? What needs to change? Are you able to let go? If it doesn’t light up your Soul, then something needs to change. Don’t be too proud to get some help with this, a fresh perspective can make all the difference.
Have you been so busy that you haven’t made time for self-care? This Full Moon will show you where you have been neglecting yourself so that you can make changes. Are you getting what you need emotionally, physically, spiritually? If not, why not?

Symbol-wise the image I saw was very scorpionic, it was a snake shedding its skin and that’s what this eclipse season has been about. It’s helping us to shed what we no longer need so that the new can emerge. It’s about letting go of the old, the past and anything or anyone that has been holding us back – including our own old beliefs, habits and patterns.
The snake transmutes negativity and is a symbol of the Goddess. Call upon the Great Mother Goddess for guidance under the light of the Full Moon. Surrender to the shedding and prepare for rebirth.

With so much darkness in the world at the moment – be the light.
Pray for peace for all.
Focus on love – for yourself, for your nearest and dearest, for your global family. It’s what our world most desperately needs.
Keys to this Full Moon Eclipse

Wait before making major decisions
Put those ideas into action
Focus on LOVE
Keep shining beautiful Souls!