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Interesting dreamtime leading up to this Full Moon! How about you?
This lovely Full Moon softens any remaining harshness from the recent tough Eclipse season. It’s a great time for letting go in a gentle way, of anything that you don’t want to bring into the next year with you.
This Full Moon invites us all to lighten up and have some fun with those we love.
Gemini is the thinker and networker of the zodiac, so it’s a great time to connect with others, sharing information and bouncing ideas off each other.
Is there something you have always wanted to study or learn? This would be a good time to make that commitment for next year.
Full Moons always shine a light on something that you need to know. Go with it if something comes up, you will know what you need to do about it.
This Full Moon is a lovely start to the Festive season as it invites communication with those we love and others – and no doubt it could be noisy! It’s a wonderful time to catch up with each other’s news and have a laugh. Make an effort to stay in touch with old friends, and keep an eye on any elders in your area who may be feeling lonely during the holidays. It’s good to talk and to get others talking, as they may really need to.
This Full Moon is also good for planning and brainstorming ideas. What have you got planned for 2022? I’ve already got several things planned, which I am really excited about.
Relationships come under the spotlight with this Full Moon until the end of January. You could get a blast from the past that was unfinished business, or your current relationship may need a gentle overhaul such as redefining each other’s boundaries. Patience is needed; this is such a stressful time of year anyway, so allow each other some leeway to avoid unnecessary arguments. Rise above any lower inclinations to have a pop at someone, ‘tis the season of good will after all.
It’s also worth taking a moment to look at where you were and how you were this time last year. Give yourself credit and a hug for how far you have come over the past twelve months, and how well you have done. It hasn’t been easy.
With Gemini being the chatty sign, take care with what you speak and write. Loose lips can cause lasting harm, and the Full Moon energy could make you a bit garrulous without engaging brain first.
The Winter Solstice energies for us in the northern hemisphere, invite us to go inwards, to reflect, to rest and recharge as we prepare to emerge again in the Spring. This can be difficult to achieve with all the busyness at this time of year, yet try and find even five minutes when you can close your eyes and focus on your breathing, just for a few minutes, it will help you to slow down and reconnect with yourself.

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We know that the Winter Solstice signals the return of the light, so make the most of the darkness and what it wants to show you. Enjoy the winter moons by nurturing yourself, enjoy retreating into your home and enjoy your family and friends – even if it’s from a distance.
Winter Solstice is also a reminder that we are light, we are the light, we are meant to bring light to this world and others.
Get outside as often as you can and connect with the natural daylight that is available.

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I love this time of year when it’s the Festival of Light around the world. I love candles and fairy lights and how they bring light and joy into our home during the dark winter moons.
Blessings are available with this Full Moon, so let’s all lighten up and have some fun, that way our vibration will be raised and we will be more receptive to the blessings waiting to be given to us. There is luck energy with this Full Moon too, so don’t forget to look up at the night sky and Grandmother Moon, and give thanks for the blessings coming your way.
Thank you for reading and supporting my posts over the past year, I hope you have found them helpful.
I send you all bright blessings for a jolly, loving Christmas/Solstice/Yule!
With love and thanks,
Elly xx