The little girl trembled as the Nun towered over her. The Nun was shouting at her.
Apparently, the little girl was supposed to have brought money to school to pay for something. But she didn’t know about it, otherwise she would have asked her parents for the money the night before.
The Nun didn’t believe her.
The Nun made her strip down to just her knickers in front of all her classmates. She then paraded her through each classroom of the junior school shouting “this child refused to pay for her Missionland magazine.”
In that instance the shy, quiet little girl learned that money brought shame and humiliation, that money was something to be frightened of.
This is a pattern that would play out during her adult life. She went on to make some bad financial decisions that caused her embarrassment, shame and guilt. Until one day she decided she’d had enough and needed some help. It didn’t take long for the sessions to help her heal the trauma of this past experience and rebuild her self esteem and belief system around money.
The client went on to happily manifest many of the dreams and goals she never thought she’d achieve.
Did it happen overnight? No. The client was willing to take the time to work through it all so that her pathway was clear for the rest of her life. However, once you commit to healing your past, you will see the benefits sooner than you think you will as she did.
This is a story about one of my clients and used with the client’s permission.
Much of my work over the past three decades has been to help clients heal their past and heal their blocks so that they can manifest the future they want.

How’s your relationship to money and abundance? Is your abundance flowing or does it get stuck now and then? Why not come to my ‘Abundance Flow’ online masterclass and find out how to clear the blocks and get your flow going again? Details here
It would be lovely to see you there!