Brigit and her Cross - artist: (c) Poucelette
Imbolc - also known as Candlemas - is a time of new beginnings. The term Imbolc is derived from old Irish which means, “in the belly. “
The Goddess Brigid (aka Bridget, Brigit, Bridie) is honored during this time as the protector of hearth/home, healers, poets, artists and smithies.
Brigid’s Elements – Fire and Water

Flame in the form of candles or fires are an important part of honouring her. St Brigid carried on the ancient Priestesses tradition of keeping a fire alight, Her actual fire stayed alight for over a thousand years but was extinguished during the reformation. It was relit in the 1980s and continues to this day. She is the patron saint of Smithies for this reason.

Brigid is also connected to sacred wells and holy waters. She has two sacred wells in County Kildare in Ireland which contain magickal healing waters. She encourages us to respect water and to make our own ‘holy’ water.
Traditionally, Imbolc was a time for visiting holy waters or wells in order to purify ourselves. Imbolc is a time of cleansing and refreshing ourselves and our surroundings. In modern times many do their spring cleaning at this time.
Brigid’s animal/totem
She is known as The White Swan and there are many Celtic legends regarding humans being changed into swans, such as The Children of Lir. Brigid reigns as the First Ancestor of the Swan Clan. She is Mistress of the Upper Waters which lie beyond human reach. Swan medicine teaches us to have balance and grace in all that we do, it represents transformation and manifestation.

Imbolc encourages us to remain positive and hopeful. The light grows each day and becomes stronger, the Sun starts to feel warmer and it will soon be time to plant our seeds. Imbolc is a celebration of fertility.
What seeds will you be planting this year?
Have you removed the deadwood and created space for your new seeds to blossom in your life?
Have you created fertile soil for your seeds?

My Hearth altar dedicated to Bridget
You will need:
- Pale green candle/s representing Spring growth and/or white candle/s
- Notebook, paper and pen
- Snowdrops - a picture will do if you haven’t got any
- Holy Water - this can be ‘holy’ water that you have made
- White cloth
- Swan feather - or picture
- A piece of your artwork or your favourite piece of art
- Some beautiful music
- Seed packets - this ritual will bless them
- Find a place and time where you cannot be disturbed by anyone.
- Turn all ‘phones off.
- Start playing the lovely music softly in the background.
- Lay out your white cloth – this is your altar cloth.
- Position the candles (they may direct you where they want to go).
- Now add the other items – let them ‘tell’ you where they want to be placed on the cloth – take your time doing this.
- When everything is in its place, light the candles in a sunwise fashion (clockwise) and call in your Guardians and Protectors, to protect your sacred space.
- Anoint your forehead, lips, throat and the centre of the palm of your hands with the Holy Water. (Cleansing yourself and Blessing yourself).
- Sit comfortably, and looking at the candle flames, focus on your breathing. Take a few deep breaths and breathe right down into your belly. Focus on your beautiful belly for a few moments, (your belly is your Cauldron of Creativity, the place from whence all things are born).
- As you relax deeper into the breath, call upon Bridget/Bridie to assist you in your Ritual. When you feel Her energy, get ready to write in your notebook. Think about the seeds you want to plant in your life. Take your time doing this and see what comes through.
- When you have finished writing, take the Swan feather and stroke it over each page that you have written. Ask for Bridget/Bridie’s blessing on all that you grow and manifest this year.
- Now tap the Swan feather three times on each packet of seeds - this awakens and activates the seeds - and once again ask for Bridget/Bridie’s blessing on all that you grow and manifest this year.
- Sit and enjoy the lovely energy and see if there are any more messages coming through for you.
- When you feel the energy ‘cooling’ down or fading, give thanks to Brigid and your Guardians, and then send the light of each candle out to someone or somewhere in need (don’t just snuff them out) and see each prayer going up on the smoke to the Creator.
- Keep your notebook on your altar where it cannot be seen by anyone else. You will be able to feel the energy of this ritual every time you look at it.
May all the seeds that you sow blossom and grow
For decades I’ve been helping my clients to plant their seeds, showing them how to nurture and care for them so that their dreams and goals can blossom beautifully into manifestation. And I nurture my clients in the same way. If you would like my help with your seeds this year, let’s have a chat to see how I can help.
Blessed Be
P.S. I would love to hear about your experience with this Ritual, do get in touch.