I was having a lighthearted think about December, for me it means:
Making Memories
Eating again
I love December; it’s that feeling of completion as the year comes to an end. I love singing Christmas carols and eating the occasional mince pie.
Most of all I love that it’s a Festival of Light. As Christmas approaches there’s a definite sense of magick in the air.
It’s a time to count our blessings and reflect on the year we have just come through.
It’s a time to look back in our diaries and remember all the incredible times we’ve had, what we have achieved and learned.
It’s also a time when we tend to remember those who are no longer with us, knowing that they will delight in our celebrations and I am sure, join in from wherever they are.
It’s a time for making memories, reflecting on the memories we created this year as we prepare to make new ones for the new year ahead.
What does December mean to you?
P.S. actually the hubby and me don’t overeat at this time of year, even on Christmas Day. We might have a few extra treats that we wouldn’t usually have. We even space out our Festive meal throughout the day rather than trying to eat three courses in the one sitting. It’s a more relaxed way for us.
P.P.S. Learn how to cope with the pressures of this time of year with a Wise Woman Wisdom session, contact me for more info.