artist: (c) Josephine Wall
New super Moon in Taurus
We have a fabulous New Moon, Supermoon, in Taurus aligned with Venus and nudged by the Jupiter-Uranus alignment I mentioned in my last Blog post.
This is the most potent New Moon of the year for manifestation. The intentions you cast during this New Moon could manifest by the time of the Full Moon in Taurus in six months’ time.
The Universe is giving you massive support during May for believing in yourself, for trusting that you can manifest what you want in your life. No more doubting yourself.
The Dark Nights of the Moon leading up to this special New Moon may have found some of you feeling quite down, as you were drawn inwards to reflect on what matters to you the most. Some of you will now know that you want to change things, you haven’t been happy and you are ready to change things.
This is especially true if life has become so complicated and demanding that you feel as if you have completely lost yourself amongst it all. It’s that ‘stop the world I want to get off’ feeling. This New Moon is giving you the opportunity to stop and change things, to simplify the way you live and work to ease the pressure.

Who or what is cluttering up your life which adds to the pressure? Take a look at who or what supports you and the life you really want to live. Who or what needs to be cleared? Those groups/organisations that swallow up so much of your time but don’t add value to your life? A work schedule that has got ridiculous. Work/life balance that has gone out the window and self-care seems to be something everyone else has time for?
Or it may be that life has got a bit boring and dull, in which case you definitely need to make changes as life is meant to be fun, interesting with a bit of excitement now and then.

Taurus is a sensuous, grounded sign reminding you to get out of your head and into your body more, to indulge your physical senses and honour the body you have been blessed with. One of my favourite things to do in May is to wash my face and hands in the morning dew, it’s so refreshing and an instant face lift!
Taurus is an earth sign and encourages you to be grounded in all that you say, think, feel and do. Walk in Nature and ground your energy, nurture some new plants, reconnect with Mother Earth and check how well you are taking care of Her.
Meditation and Tai Chi/Qigong will also help ground any excess fire (anger) energy rising in the body which can happen when we are inbetween Spring and Summer (in the northern hemisphere).
One thing I noticed as we approached this New Moon, I kept needing to clear my throat and was occasionally croaky at times. Interestingly, one of the aspects of this New Moon is that it stimulates our throat chakras so that we can voice what matters to us. It’s about no longer being afraid to speak your truth. You can support this chakra by wearing a light sky blue top, scarf, earrings or necklace.
Despite all the excitement that comes with this New Moon, slow and steady will win the race. You are creating the foundations for the changes you want to make and they will become manifest over the next six months. (Remember also that the Jupiter-Uranus alignment that is prompting change in our lives is even slower, developing over the next 13 years). Which is why the intentions you send out this New Moon are so important.
There is no need to fear change. Deep down you know you’ve been ready for this for a long time, now you get to do something about it. The New Moon brings clarity to the areas of yourself and your life that need the changes.
This New Moon is like your launchpad, it’s time for you to launch your new projects and ideas, as there are some wonderful opportunities available especially for collaborations and partnerships with others (and existing partnerships will deepen and be long term).
Looking for love? Take your time to get to know the other person, no need to rush in with both feet, if it’s meant to last it will, so enjoy the process.
It’s the perfect month to reinvent yourself and your life. If you fancy a makeover either for yourself or your home, go for it! If you want to completely change the way you work – go for it! If you want to change the way you live on a day-to-day basis – go for it!
If you’re not sure what that is yet, wait for clarity, the revelations will unfold and you will be able to move forward in your own time.

You will need a notepad, pen, candle, matches.
Create a sacred space for yourself and light the candle dedicating it to Grandmother Moon and new beginnings.
Write down the following headings:
1. Me (appearance, style – you may feel ready for an update)
2. Work/Career
3. Finances
4. Where/how I live
5. Fun/social
6. Health/Fitness
7. Love/romance
8. Spirituality
Under each heading write down exactly what you want for yourself in each of those sections. Think big, be audacious, be flamboyant – this is about stepping into a bigger and better reality. You may like to draw in each section as well (that’s a lovely technique for manifestation). Write down what you want and don’t hold back, give yourself free rein to have fun with this.
As you read what you have written, ask Grandmother Moon to bless each section.
Use these pages as guidelines for your next six months. They are your plan, and you can start taking steps towards the changes right now. Let me know how you get on.
Follow this with a cleansing ritual using a body scrub and visualise removing the old (like a snake shedding its old skin) and prepare yourself for the new by lavishing your cleansed skin with a luxurious body lotion (very Taurean!).
Taurus loves quality for themselves, those they love and their homes, they adore their homes. Where can you allow yourself a bit more quality? What are you ready to uplevel in your life? Is your home a sacred space? Does it reflect who you are becoming and where you are headed, or is it stuck in the past?
Taureans are the manifestors of the zodiac, so this New Moon supermoon is fabulous for all you Taureans. Make the most of it.

On the subject of manifestation, my next online Masterclass is ABUNDANCE FLOW. If your abundance has been a bit stuck lately, this masterclass will help you to get it unstuck and back on track. More details here:
It would be wonderful to see you there!
Change is never easy, so remember to be as flexible as you can when the changes take place. It’s hard leaving our comfort zones and ruts even though we want something new for ourselves. Give yourself permission right now to live a full, vibrant life.
Wishing y’all the most fabulous manifestations over the coming months.