Virgos – this is a fabulous new start for you with this New Moon. It’s time to make things happen for yourself over your coming year.
I love New Moons in Virgo; they always give me the practical impetus to clear more clutter. Do you feel like this?
With many planets still retrograde, it’s the ideal time for clearing. At this time of year, I also do my spring cleaning as I prefer to do it before Samhain/Hallowe’en. (Yes, I know cobwebs and dust can be considered decorations, but the spiders have had houseroom for long enough!)
It’s not just physical clutter, what kind of mental clutter do you have clogging up your mind? Clear them out so that you have space in your head for clear thoughts, new ideas and insights.

Virgo also reminds you about your health, do you need to clean up your nutrition or live in a greener way? Do you need to change your exercise routine? What pile of stuff really does need to be dealt with now? What have you been meaning to do but put off? Get It Done!
The New Moon in Virgo might be a little challenging at times, the key is to stay as balanced as you can when something comes up and think before acting. Virgo has high standards and reminds us all to maintain ours.
Virgo can be super-critical especial about themselves. So, stop verbally beating yourself up – or anyone else, and drop those negative thoughts about yourself. You’re actually doing better than you think you are. Think about the words you are saying to yourself because your mind believes everything you tell it and that sets energy in motion to manifest – what are you manifesting?
I have a good feeling about this New Moon, there is a grand trine however this time I feel it’s positive. Virgo helps us to get practical about things, so I feel that this New Moon will give us the energy we’ve needed to keep working towards our dreams/goals/desires.

The image I saw when attuning to this moon, is a road or pathway opening up, the pathway is well lit and the energy feels positive.
Be open to new ways of doing things or going in a direction you wouldn’t have thought of before, don’t immediately dismiss something someone suggests.
The secret to success is persistence, and that can be hardgoing some days (especially during the Dark Nights of the Moon), so even if you take one small step towards your dream/goal/desire, you are still making progress. Don’t stop, keep going - but gently. You know what to do and you have the perseverance to do so now.
Some heavy energy - to do with world/political events - is still around so do your best to rise above it and don’t let it drag you down. Remember who you really are, you are spiritual royalty, so stand up tall, straighten that crown and keep going.
Thankfully by the end of this week Mercury (planet of communication) will be back in place. All forms of communication should flow better from now on, the green light is back on for signing contracts, travel snafus should ease up and tech should start behaving itself again.

The Wheel of the Year turns once more, and we are heading towards Equinox. Here in the Northern Hemisphere after our late summer heatwave, we’ve gone straight into Autumn.
Look after your lungs, in Traditional Chinese Medicine Autumn rules the lungs and nose (sinuses), with all the bugs and viruses going around ensure that you are looking after yourself. Wear a light scarf to protect your throat from the colder winds coming in. Eat warming foods to replace cold salads and add warming spices and herbs. In TCM the emotion for Autumn is grief, so be kind to yourself if you feel old sadnesses coming up, acknowledge them but don’t wallow in them.
Virgo also rules the digestive system, so look after your tummy by feeding your body the good stuff and cutting down on the cr*p stuff, include some probiotics like Kefir in your weekly nutrition. (I love coconut Kefir).
New Moon in Virgo Ritual

This lovely New Moon in Virgo invites us to cast our magick over our dreams/goals/desires, to add some sparkle to them and trust that they will manifest.
- Light a candle and dedicate it to Grandmother Moon.
- On a sheet of paper, write down what you want to let go of, then safely burn it until it is ash, cast the ash to the winds or sprinkle over the garden.
- On another piece of paper write down the one thing that is most important to you, that you really want to manifest and make happen. Roll this sheet up into a small scroll and tie a red ribbon around it, place on your altar. Each day tap this scroll three times and feel the energy of your dream/goal/desire manifesting as each day you take more action towards it.
- Send the candlelight out to whoever needs it, give thanks, then extinguish the candle and send the smoke up to Creator.
Blessed Be.
This New Moon phase brings new beginnings and energy that is creative, innovative, daring and practical, use it to organise your life and manifest your desires.
Bright New Moon Blessings to y’all!