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picture of a person walking on a beach looking at the waves of the sea, above them is the new moon with constellations of the planets
picture of a person walking on a beach looking at the waves of the sea, above them is the new moon with constellations of the planets

New Moon in Aquarius

Happy Birthday all you gorgeous Aquarians!  A positive New Moon for us all and the start of Chinese New Year**, the new year has finally arrived and the new era has finally started.


First though, with all that’s going on in the pantomime that is the geo-political scene at the moment, far too many people are wasting their precious energy on people who are really not worth it.  Remember, politics was invented to divide people not unite them, so don’t fall for all the cr*p that’s going on at the moment.


I’ve always advocated speaking your truth, so I am not saying don’t do that, what I’m saying is to prioritise where your valuable energy actually needs to be spent.  The more energy you exert complaining about particular individuals, the more energy you are giving away.  On an energetic level you are literally giving them your energy – do they deserve it?


BTW - If you are finding it all very stressful, check out my YouTube channel where I share some simple, easy to do exercises that will help you calm your nervous system down and boost your energy.  Check it out here:


We are now living in a New Era, an era where Peace is a priority.  We need to stick together in common purpose and not be divided by ego-led conversations that blow everything out of proportion.  As I’ve said in previous posts, it’s time to use brain not brawn.

Our main focus can only be peace from hereon in.  Yes, we will make a stand, yes we will say No, yes we will protect the underdog and the innocents.  We, the people are rising.  The time for hiding under the covers is over, it’s time to get out there, shine brightly and live our lives fully, freely, truthfully and colourfully.


This New Moon gives us a boost of confidence, Aquarius is the visionary of the zodiac and will be our guide in this new era.  Aquarius invites you to access your inner visionary and manifest it in the world in a practical and truthful way.  It’s time to put our energy into creating a beautiful world by bringing beauty into the world through art, inventiveness, technology, humanitarianism etc.  

circle of rainbow coloured hands all touching with a rainbow heart in the centre
circle of rainbow coloured hands all touching with a rainbow heart in the centre

Aquarius is the sign of friendship, it’s time to expand your circles and welcome new friendships, so that you can be part of developing the communities that you need and to have fun socially with your new connections as well as getting involved in social activism (everyone deserves the freedom to live their lives the way they want to).


My Elders taught me a Lakota Sioux saying, ‘Mitakuye Oyasin’, it means ‘we are all related, we are all connected.’  It doesn’t just mean human to human, it means that we are all deeply connected to every tree, flower, shrub, rock, animal, insect etc as well as our beautiful planet.  We are now living in an era where we will realise just how important that is.


Another saying I was taught is, ‘Walking Your Talk’ (so many people get this phrase wrong), it’s about doing what you say you will do, it's about living your truth.  Too many ‘talk the talk’ but very few actually Walk their Talk.  This Aquarius New Moon encourages you to Walk Your Talk, to decide what will bring you the greatest freedom so that you can live your life in truth.  And there’s no rush, we are in a Wood Snake year**, so everything will unfold at a steady pace throughout this year. 

tiny plant reaching towards the light of the sun
tiny plant reaching towards the light of the sun

This is a positive and beneficial New Moon.  Think back to ten months or so ago, what ideas were percolating then?  What seeds were you starting to plant back then?  Get ready for them to sprout.

The New Moon in Aquarius will bring clarity, you may have sudden downloads that lead you in a completely different direction  – and it’s all good.  This may require you having to change your plans, or to pivot, to adjust certain facets of your life and/or work.  Go with it. 


If ever there was a time to be yourself, it is now. Yes it might mean you have to become more visible, that you have to stick your head above the parapet.  Even if others don’t agree with you, it’s imperative you follow your heart and your Soul’s promptings.  Remember, you are not alone, you have a great deal of support in this world and the unseen world.


To the Rising,


New Moon Blessings,





**See my recent Blog post about Chinese New Year for more info about the year of the Wood Snake including Feng Shui tips.



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