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NEW MOON in Sagittarius

This week’s New Moon in Sagittarius (UK 23 Nov) brings much needed lighter energy. Jupiter (planet of blessings and good fortune) is ending its retrograde, the flow of good things can resume once more – yay! This could be a lucky New Moon for us all.

Sagittarius reminds us to not lose faith, to believe and invites us to travel more lightly as well as travel literally. Sagittarius is the traveller of the zodiac and must be given space in a relationship to do this, whether this is actual travel, time for their hobby or personal space. Sag loves being outdoors and loves an adventure particularly to do with other cultures.

Sagittarians - this is your New Moon and new start for you. What roadmap are you going to create for your year ahead? It’s time for you to expand your energy, your experiences and your mind, so have a think about how you can do this.

As Sagittarius is a fire sign, it will bring us all a burst of enthusiasm with this New Moon. Sagittarius will help us to burn away the heaviness we have been carrying, so that we can expand in a lighter way.

You may be feeling emotional during this New Moon transit. Dive into the feelings and express them, tell people how you feel, it’s okay to be vulnerable.

Sagittarius also encourages us to get out in Nature as much as we can. Nature has the space we need to expand our energy fields and take in good prana.

Try this:

Whilst outside, open your arms out to side and open your chest up, this will release any tightness and is a good exercise to do every day especially if you spend a lot of time hunched over a computer. As you do this, take a few deep breaths and say, “I am open to receiving.”

It’s important now to open up physically as well as on the other levels. All the recent heaviness made us cave in over our heart chakras, now it’s time to stand tall and proud with our hearts, minds and chests open.

Remember to take a few deep breaths each time to help release any stagnant energy that may have accumulated.

Everything we’ve been going through this year and especially in the past few months, has been to encourage us to break through our fear of stepping up and/or stepping into a new chapter of our lives.

It’s time to let go of all the heaviness and what has occurred, and focus now on the future that you want, it will be easier from now on to implement any plans that may have felt held back.

If you’ve been allowing fear to hold you back from success, use this New Moon energy over the next 3 days to drop those fear shackles and take that leap.

Allow yourself to feel excited again and be hopeful about your ambitions, plans and projects. Any dark clouds will now have a silver lining. Aspire to your desires!

The healing journey that we have all been diving into deeply this year continues until the end of December. Don’t avoid it; get stuck into it so that you can clear it (and if you need help with that, do contact me). Clear as much inner cr*p as you can before the New Year, the rewards for doing this are on the way.

The most important message of this New Moon for everyone is ‘don’t limit yourself.’ Remove any restrictions that make you feel caged in. This also applies to inner restrictions that we may have placed on ourselves, sometimes without even realising it.

Set your plans in place for 2023, nurture those ideas that have been bimbling around the ethers, they will soon land and you will know what to do with them.

Take time to write your New Moon Manifestation List, what do you want for yourself? Now think bigger and write it all down. Remember to write it in the future tense i.e. “I give thanks for xxxxxx” and/or “I am open to receiving xxxxxx”

Sagittarius is the Archer, so where are you aiming your arrow? No more being held back, it’s time for your arrow to fly.

Are you ready for your rebirth? Even if you don’t know what’s next, just go for it.


  • I am willing to let go of all that holds me back from my greater good.

  • I am willing to step into the wonderful new chapter the Divine has created for me.

  • I am open to receiving all the good the Universe has for me.

  • I trust myself.

  • I know I can.

  • I believe.

  • I know what I want and I am already making plans for it.

  • I know the Universe always has my back.

  • I am willing to take that leap.

This Sagittarius New Moon invites us to lighten up, laugh more, smile more and enjoy ourselves more.

New Moon Blessings to y’all!


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