NEW MOON in Cancer
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I’ve had such a good feeling about this New Moon, it feels auspicious and I know that any dreams/desires cast now will be blessed.
Cancerians this is a wonderful New Moon for you, it signals a brand new beginning. You already know the changes that you need to make – you’ve been wanting this for some time, well this New Moon is the perfect time to implement them or at least start the process.
Also if you have been quietly working away on something then this is the perfect New Moon to launch it.

Cancerians are Moon signs and this is a lovely New Moon energy that we can all enjoy.
There is a sense of magick in the air and it’s a good one for spell casting and ritual especially involving water.
It can be as simple as taking time out for a good long wallow in a bubble bath, or visiting water such as lakes or the sea.
Also drink plenty of water and appreciate the preciousness of clean, safe water that we are blessed to have easy access to.
Cancerians are tough on the outside but soft on the inside, they feel deeply.
artist: unknown
Cancer represents feelings, nurturing, home, family, sensitivity, moodiness (when they are lovely they are lovely, when they are horrid they can be truly horrible!), introversion (when they feel attacked or upset they retreat into their shell and stay there until they are ready to come out), mothering and caring for others (many are healers/therapists). They are fantastic company, usually very intelligent, make great parents and are fun friends to have around. They need freedom to express who they are and they like to do things their way. SO Cancer, this is your new start with this special New Moon, what are you going to do about it?
Cancerians also love their home and this applies to all of us. If you’ve been itching for some kind of change, it’s the perfect time to refresh your home, fix what needs fixing and give it a spruce up. Thinking about moving? This New Moon could see some of us buying a new home and others selling theirs to travel or invest.
Cancerians also love travelling, have you had the urge to spread your wings and go further afield? This New Moon is auspicious for all kinds of travel, whether that’s on the inner planes or physically.
Celebrating is essential for us all right now. With all the heaviness going on in the world, and whatever cr*p is going on personally for us, it’s important to find a reason to celebrate every day. It doesn’t have to be elaborate; the little celebrations often mean more. How can you bring more celebration into your life? How can you help others to celebrate themselves and/or their lives?
This New Moon invites you to have the courage to ask for what you want. Not just in your New Moon Manifestation List but also in real life. This is particularly true regarding family; it’s time to speak up about what you want for yourself and your life. They mean well but you do not have to do, be, or live the way that they do. Your life is yours to live. If others are trying to live their lives through you, then it’s time to break free. Also don’t let the past hold you back. You often forget just how strong you really are, and the courage is there for you, you have got it in abundance with this New Moon transit.
Change is scary; I absolutely hate it and will procrastinate if allowed. I’m great at helping clients through the changes in their lives, but I’m usually dragged kicking and screaming into my own. However, after a recent health scare that has all changed, I am now going for my dreams, heck I’m in my 60s and if I don’t do it now I never will. Do you like change?

Watch your tummy over the next couple of weeks (Cancer rules the stomach), be careful what you eat i.e. check it’s cooked properly. If nerves kick in about the changes, do a large infinity symbol, like this: over your tummy area at least 6 times, this will help to energetically balance that area. And drink plenty of water.
Also, in Feng Shui terms, look after your head this month, avoid getting too stressed and stay grounded to avoid potential problems.
Cancerians are also very loving; so the next couple of weeks are a great time to let those who love you know how much they mean to you. In the busyness of life, we often forget to make enough time to ensure that they feel loved and supported by you.
No doubt this New Moon transit could be a bit emotional, especially for water signs, so ride the waves of emotion, as they will bring you closer to the shores of your desires. We are all destined with this New Moon to embark on something new, so be as open as you can to where this cosmic tide will take you.
Think about the changes you want to make and make time to write it down, or create a vision board. I’m planning to paint mine as I can see it so clearly in my head.
Keys to this New Moon transit:
· Be kind to yourself.
· Be kind to others.
· Trust that it will happen when the time is right.
· Start the process so that the Universe can put the synchronicities into place for you.
· Be very specific and clear about what you want when you create your New Moon Manifestation.
· Try not to over-react (everyone is a bit sensitive at the moment).
· Soothe yourself with the water element when things get too much.
· You have the strength to manifest what you want.
· You have the courage to speak up about it.
· You have support to put your plan/s into action.
· Remember to find time to celebrate.
· I believe in you.
· You’ve got this!
I can’t wait to hear how your journey and manifestations unfold!
New Moon Blessings y’all.
Elly x