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artist unkown


After the deep diving of Scorpio season, Sagittarius brings us some much-needed fire to reignite our spark.  Sagittarius is the adventurer of the zodiac and gives us the courage to take the next step, even if it’s a leap into the unknown.  This New Moon feels like a new beginning for everyone.


Neptune is also prominent over the next few weeks.  Neptune creates illusions and can make you a bit spacey and unable to concentrate.  Be careful of something/someone that seems to be too good to be true, watch out for scammers or being too impulsive during this time.  It’s really important to stay grounded and as fully present as you can, every day, especially over the next month.


Whilst Sagittarius is outgoing, with Mercury retrograde until the first week in January, you are reminded to slow down and reflect, recharge, reassess etc.  When you do, you might find that something better happens as a result.


  • As Mercury is retrograde double check travel plans if travelling for the holidays.

  • Be aware that people may not clearly understand what you are saying and be reactive (as if the holiday doesn’t make people reactive enough LOL!).

  • Avoid kneejerk reactions if your buttons are pressed – and breathe ……..

  • Don’t get involved in online battles, you don’t need the negativity.

  • Check your boundaries so that others don’t cross them.


Use the festive holidays as a chance to think about what you really want for yourself in 2024.  Ask yourself “how do I really feel about ……”  How did your body respond?  What emotion did you feel?  This will help you form the right new decisions.


Sagittarius is daring, are you thinking big enough for 2024 and the rest of your life?

Allow yourself to expand in 2024 - not your waistline though!

No more being small or limiting yourself, it’s time to live life LARGE.

(Just don’t overstretch yourself financially).

artist (c) Kayuga


Sagittarius is also the traveller of the zodiac; feeling restless?  Do you have an urge to travel more next year?  Or is the travel internal, where you want to do more self-development/spiritual development?  BTW it’s a great month for spiritual attunement, to receive the guidance you need.


Keys to this New Moon 

Think before speaking or hitting send

Allow yourself time to slow down and reflect

Journal your dreams/wishes/desires for 2024 and think big

Avoid overwhelm by doing things one step at a time (no need to be a festive superwoman/superman)

Have faith – there is great planetary support available for you

Remember that you are in charge of your life

So why not reach for the stars?



 “I am excited about my new beginnings; I intend to live my life fully and joyfully from now on.”



New Moon Blessings to you all!




 artist (c) Victor Nizovtsev

P.S.  Need some support to shift anything that may still be holding you back?  Try my BLOCK to BREAKTHROUGH package to shift that block and clear your way for 2024.  Some spaces left for January.  Contact me for more info.

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