New Moon in Aries
It’s April Fools Day here in the UK and it’s a New Moon in Aries, but this New Moon is no joker. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and the start of the astrological new year. This New Moon brings us all a chance for new beginnings and to start again.
Saturn (the Taskmaster) is in Aquarius (the Maverick), you might be eager to get going with your new beginning or project. However Saturn reins us in and slows us down, because we need to make sure we’ve got all our ducks in a row, that we have thought about and planned this properly because this is for real, we are creating a solid foundation for our future.
Aries gives us the green light and says Go! Start planting those seeds you have been thinking about for such a long time. What you plant now will bloom in six months’ time.
- What do you want to have achieved in six months?
- Where do you want to be in six months?
- What do you want to be doing in six months?
- Who do you want to be with in six months?
Make a plan for the next six months to give you some kind of structure and timetable to aim for. Also have a think about how you present yourself to the world; does it reflect who you want to be in six months’ time? Perhaps it’s time to give yourself a makeover so that the outside matches the inside.
The time of thinking is over; it’s now time to take action towards what you want. You may have been sitting on an idea or project but been too shy to put it out there in case of other people’s reactions. Don’t worry about them, just do it, you are being given the green light here and what you are offering to the world is just what the world needs right now.

Aries is a passionate sign, what are you passionate about? Do more of that. And if you are feeling a bit uncertain about all this, clear your mind and allow yourself to receive downloads from this week’s New Moon, there is a lot of guidance available for those ready for it.
If you’ve been feeling a bit adrift lately, this New Moon will help and bring you guidance about which direction to go in. It’s time for you to take control of the helm, to be in the driver’s seat because this is your life and you are being given the opportunity to drive it in whatever way you want.
It’s time to truly be yourself, stop comparing yourself to others and trying to be like them, you are unique. This may mean stepping away from something or someone so that you can truly be you and live the way you want to.
This New Moon asks you to think about yourself for once and what you really want, what would your ideal life look like? It’s an ideal time to do New Moon rituals and take time to sit down and write out your most audacious, bold, and expansive manifestation list that you have ever written! Write it all down, even if it sounds bonkers, if it’s what you would like – go for it. Keep writing until you can’t think of anything else – and you can always add to this list over the next 3 days.
As I mentioned last time, April may turn out to be a bit turbulent at times, Chiron (the Wounded Healer) is in tight conjunction with Aries. This means that old hurts may be triggered, and this is for a very good reason, it’s time to heal them. This is a wonderful opportunity to let go of pain from the past so that you can be free to move forward. (Let me know if you would like some help or support, I have some slots free this month).
Do your best to stay calm and balanced, stay committed to yourself and your dreams despite whatever is going on, and don’t let anyone put you off.
And don’t forget to make time for fun, plan a day out, visit a friend or do something that will be fun for you.
April also has a second New Moon on the 30th, which is also the start of Eclipse season, but more on that nearer the time.
If the going gets tough this month, don’t get disheartened just keep going, it will all be worth it in the end.

It’s time for us all to ‘warrior’ up on all levels of our Being. No more hiding in the wings or sidelines, it’s time for us to step up on the stage of life and shine our light and brilliance brightly. The world needs it.
You have the strength.
You have the courage (just look at how much you have been through in your life already)’
You’ve got this.
Be proud of who you are, celebrate your individuality and uniqueness and show it off!
BTW I would love to hear about what your ‘new’ will be, why not drop a comment below.
Brave, bold, New Moon Blessings to y’all!
Elly x