What a lovely way to start the New Year with a New Moon, a perfect time to reset, renew and restart. This is an ideal time to start as you mean to go on for the year ahead.
This New Moon is in practical Capricorn, it’s a great time to organise home, self, career and finances. In fact there are four planets in Capricorn at this time, giving us a real push to get organised and plan our year ahead.
It’s time to take a realistic look at what needs sorting out and shaping up on a practical level for the year ahead. Have you had your head in the sand regarding your finances? Has everything piled up at home? Have you been dragging your heels about changing your career? Are you ready for an image update? Use this time to take an honest look at what needs to change and then start changing it. (And if you need any support regarding this, let me know).
Now that the festivities are over, you will find it easier to let go of what you no longer need. Thank the items that are leaving and donate them so that someone else can enjoy them.
Think about who you are becoming, think about the kind of year you want – does your home and/or business reflect this? Clear the junk, freshen up the cleared space and prepare for the new to come in.
Capricorn helps us to stay committed and focused on what we need to do. It’s like we’re preparing our garden for the year ahead. We need to get rid of the old stuff and weed out who/what is no longer needed. We need to turn the soil over and take a look at what it may need to sustain our plans for the coming year. We need to choose which seeds we want to plant and then carefully plant them, remembering to water and nurture them regularly until they are ready to blossom.
Slow and steady progress will lead to lasting results, so there’s no rush – however do use the energy of the next three days to get started and keep going during Capricorn season. Take your time; you are building a foundation not just for your year ahead but for the rest of your life.
It’s okay to feel hopeful with this New Year, the energies will be easier than the past two years – especially in the first six months of this year (more on this in the FB Live I will be doing soon regarding the energies of 2022 and how to navigate them).

3rd/4thJanuary is the best time to start this when the New Moon starts
to show Her face in the night sky.
You will need; candle, pen, paper
- Find a quiet space and light the candle dedicating it Grandmother Moon.
- Dare to think BIG this year - write down the most outrageous, audacious, exciting goals/desires that you can think of, even if they seem silly.
- Be excited about them, feel the energy of them, feel the excitement.
- When you have finished, roll your piece of paper into a scroll, tie it with a red ribbon and place it on your altar.
- Every day, tap it three times with a wand or special pen that you use and feel that flutter of excitement as you visualise them manifesting.
Now start thinking about what small steps you can take towards achieving everything you have written, and then take action. When we start to move towards our goals ourselves, the Universe then moves to meet us and sets up the synchronicities and opportunities we need to manifest what we want.
Let me know how you get on.
The key to the year ahead is to be You. If you don’t start living the truth of who you are, you will become more and more unhappy. The planet Pluto urges us this year to go for it, it really is now or never. It is time to live your truth by being yourself in all areas of your life, such as the way you work and your daily life and practice – do they all feel right? Do they fit in with your beliefs/ideals? Do they feel right?
This year it’s also important to remain flexible and open-minded. If one door closes a new one will open very soon afterwards. If something changes it’s because something even better needs to come in. Be open to another way of looking at things, someone may offer a different perspective or solution that you would normally dismiss – try not to, as it could be just what you need.
This year the Universe supports us in manifesting our biggest dreams, it really is now or never, I’m up for it – are you?
New Year and fabulous New Moon Blessings to y’all!
Elly xx
EVENTS coming up in 2022:
FB Live regarding the energies of 2022 and how to navigate them. Details being finalized and this will be shown in my private FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4260408204052634
Monthly Meditation/Healing Zoom sessions start. Details coming soon.
Only 3 places left for this year’s Women’s Retreat in the UK (June 2022). It always leaves us transformed and rejuvenated for the rest of the year. More details soon.
As always, thank you Elly. ❤