Artist: (c) Tamara Phillips
New Moon Blessings for the first New Moon of the year, which is in Capricorn.
I know it’s the New Moon, but it has been quite an emotional one for some as the Water Tiger glides into the new Chinese Year. Water Tiger invites us to unleash our creativity to the world and just go for it! It’s a year to make big, bold strides towards our dreams and goals and the good news is - we will get there - yaay! However, it could be a fiery and wild ride at times, so stay centred as much as you can.
Well Capricorn this is your new start in your new year – so what are you going to do with it? Stop butting heads and start creating. Stop being your own worst enemy and start being your own best friend. This is a great year for you if you let it.
For all of us, this New Moon continues the push/pull energy we have been experiencing over the past year. We yearn to break free and live our lives, yet there are still some restrictions holding us back. This is the last moon/planetary line up where we will feel this, from the Spring Equinox onwards things will start to lighten up and loosen up and start moving forward more easily.
However, it’s worth looking at where you feel stuck and why you think you are stuck, because if you can identify that, it will help things to move along more quickly for you. (If you would like some 1:1 help with that, let me know and we’ll arrange a session).

We are all evolving at a fast rate and this will be even more so during the year of the Water Tiger. We are looking at who and what will be coming on the journey with us this year as new people, places and opportunities beckon. We are sifting and sorting who and what we want to keep (who/what can you absolutely no longer tolerate?). We are thinking about and starting to plan the steps we need to take towards our big dreams and goals this year. Get some plans in place, and then the Universe can step in and help things along. For some it will feel like being at a crossroads – and one that has been on the way for a while but you just kept ignoring it, action will need to be taken about the direction you want to go in. Any disruption that happens is for the better, so keep the faith, it will all work out in the end.
The Water Tiger is pushing us to be bolder and this could cause a wobble, it’s scary to suddenly feel yourself going in a different direction or putting yourself out in the world more. Don’t let old doubts and fears cause procrastination or put you off. We all have to go with the flow this Water Tiger year and see where it takes us. Be brave and make that commitment, because that is what will make things happen for you.
This is a truly transformative time for us all so enjoy the adventure this year.
The key to this New Moon/Water Tiger year:
- Set your boundaries and stick to them.
- Be open to new opportunities – don’t dismiss them straight away.
- Listen to what someone has to say – it could point you in the right direction.
- If something/someone has reached the end of the road – let it go, you need to free up your energy for something/someone better.
- Trust your intuition – it will be your best guide during Water Tiger year.
- Meditate more so that you remain centred.
- You may need time out occasionally to soothe your emotions and recharge.
- Be open to new connections and give existing relationships plenty of TLC.
- Get ready to shift in ways you didn’t think possible.
- Be brave and take those steps towards that new life you have already started dreaming and preparing for - it’s on its way - so go meet it.
New Moon Blessings and Kung Hei Fat Choi !
Elly xx