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New Moon in Sagittarius

Have you been feeling more tired than usual the past few days? Me too. The Dark Nights of the Moon were really drawing our energy down into the Earth to make us stop and reflect.

Well the cosmic rollercoaster ride continues! December continues with Venus going retrograde (which affects relationships and harmony), a tense square between Saturn – the Cosmic Taskmaster and Uranus – the Awakener (oh boy!). Also the Solar Eclipse, which closes the last of the Eclipse seasons for this year – although the effects can be felt for 6 months afterwards if not longer. This solar eclipse is shorter than the last one but boy is it powerful!

As mentioned in my previous Full Moon post, eclipses close old doors and open new ones. Eclipses are revealers; they show us something that we need to know and deal with.

The changes can be swift that lead us to a new way of doing things or new opportunities. What/who no longer serves you will now be swept away if it didn’t happen during the last eclipse.

What are you being shown? If it makes you feel nervous then you know the change is making its presence felt, go with it and see where it takes you.

Stay as grounded as you can. The busyness of the season as well as what’s going on with the planets could see you being too much in your head and not enough in your body, or over-reacting at every little thing.

Stop – Breathe – go for a walk.

Focus on what brings you joy; focus on beauty especially the beauty of nature at this time of year. Stay away from doom and gloom and negative ninnies, there’s enough cr*ppy energy flying around, don’t be part of it, be part of the solution instead by focusing on the light.

What is unfinished or unsaid? Use this eclipse to wrap things up. It’s also a healing time, a good time to heal old falling-outs and rifts, to mend bridges so that you can all move forward without being held back by the pain of the past.

Even those of you who are excited about the changes and can’t wait to move forward may experience emotions of remorse or loss. This happened to me years ago when I was preparing to move in with my now hubby, I grieved the end of my single life and having my own space, all the space. It took me by surprise as I loved him very much and couldn’t wait to start a life with him, but I did mourn the end of my single life.

It’s an emotional time too with grief energy rising to the surface and feeling an acute sense of loss – even if you are not sure why. Don’t stuff it down, let it out, if you need a good cry then have one. It’s okay to miss those we have loved; you can still talk to them and ask them for help.

The image I got for this eclipse season is a pipe that has been blocked, bunged up. This month the jammed bung gets pulled out and all that had become stagnant is released, and fresh air rushes through the new space. In other words, if you have felt held back in any way, things will start moving again for you now - just don’t resist the clearing process.

This New Moon is a powerful time for new beginnings, for starting again, for creating a clean slate – perfect timing for the approaching New Year.

We are also approaching Solstice; here in the northern hemisphere the Winter Solstice energies seem to have started early. The image I received for this year’s Solstice is; after a hard climb, we have reached the top of a snow-capped mountain where the air is crisp and clean. It’s the view that takes our breath away, we feel like we are on top of the world. Suddenly we have clarity and a sense of achievement, we are aware that the world is available to us, we just need to embrace it.

We are in a powerful time of transformation on a personal and global level. Do not let the media lower your vibration, do not believe everything you read and hear. Keep your vibration raised so that those around you benefit too. Trust your gut.

Keys to this Eclipse:

* Be prepared to let go of something/someone.

* Give yourself time to explore your emotions.

* Stay grounded – do whatever it takes.

* Avoid argy-bargy energy and stay well away from negativity.

* Prepare for a new beginning.

* Keep your immune system boosted.

* Be open to new opportunities.

* Be willing to stretch yourself.

May your eclipse journey be just what you need in order to succeed.

Many Blessings,

Elly xx

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