Expect the Unexpected – Change – Dreams coming true

Artist: (c) DeviantArt
It’s a New Moon partial solar Eclipse in Taurus and the second New Moon this month. Powerful times folks!
The Dark Nights leading up to this weekend’s New Moon Eclipse brought up trigger emotions such as fear, grief, jealousy etc. We needed to clear this layer of them in order to make space for the New Moon energies.
This New Moon opens the first Eclipse season of the year. Eclipses are about wake ups/shake ups/break ups. They cause doors to close and doors to open in our lives. A change is gonna come whether we like it or not.
If you’ve been stuck in a rut, wallowing in your comfort zone or putting off making a decision about something or someone, the Eclipse will push you into finally doing something about it. Why wait to be pushed? Why not have the courage to do or say what is needed?
What or who do you need to release? If you don’t do it, the Eclipse energies may well do it for you. It’s time to have another clear out, if it doesn’t fit or suit you, get rid of it. Will you read all those books again? How many mugs or towels do you actually need? Donate and clear some space for the new that’s waiting to come in.
It’s not just possessions it’s also a time to think about people we need to release, or clubs/associations we belong to that are no longer relevant.
Most importantly it’s a time to release our set views and beliefs, and now be open to a different perspective or way of doing things.
Think back to 2003/2004 as what was started then under an Eclipse may end under this Eclipse transit. Unfortunately for some couples it may signal the end of the road. Other couples will receive the blessings of this transit, romance abounds!
If something does end, it is for the best, as it will bring something/someone so much better for who you are now. It will push you in the direction that you now need to be going. Be courageous, because it will all work out in the end I promise you.

Taurus is a generous sign that invites us to be more generous to ourselves and not just to others. Do you have difficulty in receiving? How gracious are you when someone compliments you? If someone gives you a gift do you immediately feel you have to get them something in return? Learning to receive is the second step in attracting abundance. Gratitude is the first step.
Taureans are also one of most helpful signs of the zodiac. Are you able to ask for help or do you think you have to do it all alone? Asking for help opens up energy pathways and is a powerful thing to do. Why do we in the western world always think it shows weakness? It doesn’t, in fact when you do ask for help that is when things finally start happening for you.
And if you are Taurus, make sure you have boundaries in place so that people are not taking advantage of your generosity or willingness to help; otherwise you will end up resentful and depleted.
As you know New Moons are good for focusing on what you want to manifest for yourself. There is some auspicious energy with this New Moon – despite the Eclipse – so it’s possible that dreams can come true. However, be very careful what you wish for, as it won’t be easy to undo that manifestation spell you cast and it could take a long time to untangle yourself.
This fabulous New Moon/planetary line up gives us a much needed energy boost to get us out of our lethargy and into making our dreams come true, making the life we have always wanted. Think – Dream - Go for it!
The Eclipse will give you space to get creative, what will you create next for yourself? Just start something with what you’ve got where you are right now. This is a powerful New Moon for manifesting, what do you want to manifest for yourself? This is a time of expansion so open yourself up.

Taurus also represents money and I know that many of us have been having money wobbles lately with all that has been going on. We need to ground our worries by facing what needs sorting out.
What subscriptions can you do without? Do some streamlining and take control of your finances, so that you know exactly what you need to pay each month.
Struggling? Ask for help from your bank, financial advisors or the Citizens Advice Bureau. Remember there is ALWAYS a solution to a problem.
If your finances have been a bit chaotic or you’ve lost track of them, now’s the time to get them organised.
Avoid overspending and impulse purchases. Be open to new moneymaking opportunities (just don’t fall for shady schemes, check everything out in detail first). If it checks out and feels good for you, then go for it!
And on the plus side, there could be something positive coming your way financially, so keep the faith.
Taurus is the Manifestor of the zodiac, they can manifest whatever they want and they are not afraid of working hard to get it. We can all take a leaf out of their book.

Spiritually, it’s an interesting time. There’s a lot of shadow energy around, which is not surprising given what’s going on at the moment. Eclipses have a habit of ripping away any veils of illusion that we have about something or someone, revealing their true nature. This can be challenging at times, as well as upsetting, however you need to know/see this truth. Also those that you thought were so spiritual will now have their true agendas revealed, such as the realisation that they are driven by their egos and not their spirituality as they would have you believe.
Thank goodness this has been revealed to you, as it saves you a lot of upset and disappointment further down the line.
Whatever/whoever you have to let go of, let go with grace, allow yourself to grieve for a bit and then focus on what happens next. Remember that despite the upset you are destined for something/someone better.
Look after your health in May especially with all that is going on personally and globally. Don’t overdo it and get over tired or you will make yourself vulnerable to infection (and spiritually this will lower your guard to the less pleasant energies that are trying to create havoc at the moment, and you don’t want that).
Also heads up that the next Mercury retrograde cycle starts May 10th (but the effects will be felt at least a week before that).
To cope with this New Moon Eclipse transit:
· Eat well, get enough sleep, and drink water to flush out any stress.
· Ground your energy in Nature - fresh air every day if you can and go for a power walk.
· Expect the unexpected and trust that whatever happens is meant to be.
· When the going gets tough, write it out in your journal or call a friend.
· Think positively about what you want to bring into your life, what is the dream that you really want to manifest?
· Be open to the wonderful opportunities that are on their way.
· Make time for quiet time/meditation, so that the messages can get through to you.
On the positive side whatever you dream of, wish for or begin now, could really last. Taurus doesn’t give up easily, so stick at it and make your beautiful dreams a reality. Be patient, it won’t happen overnight but it will happen.

Taurus loves beauty and quality, so buy yourself some flowers occasionally for the house or garden and surround yourself with beauty. Get out in Nature and ground your energy. The past is the past, leave all that was horrid or sad behind you, now is the time to create beauty, love and success in your life. Make your home, your work and your life beautiful. Are you ready to step into the new you? It’s time.
May this Eclipse season treat you gently, may you be blessed with the luck and opportunities you truly deserve, and may life become more beautiful for you.
Many Blessings,
Elly x