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New Moon in Libra

(artist unknown)

Yes, it’s Eclipse season again. Have you felt a bit disorientated the past few days? Finding it hard to concentrate and stay focused? You may have been picking up the building energy of this weekend’s solar eclipse, which opens the last eclipse season of the year.

Eclipses are about shake ups, wake ups and break ups, which sounds scary however, they always lead to something better. Something must end in order for something new to come in.

artist (c) Eugene Grasset

Well, my lovely Librans, this is the first eclipse in your sign since 2016, and this one is super important for you. Although eclipses affect us all, this one will especially affect Librans.

Libra is all about relationships. It’s time to be grateful for the wonderful relationships you have in your life that you often take for granted, to let these people know how much they are loved and appreciated by you, so that your relationships can go from strength to strength.

(Although if a relationship is on rocky ground or just not right for you anymore, the eclipse may bring about its ending).

Eclipses are an opportunity to eliminate habits/beliefs/behaviours and any patterns that have been holding you back. If you’ve been procrastinating about something, then the eclipse could well give you a kick up the butt to get you back on track. If you’ve been allowing your shadow side to dominate and sabotage you, then this will be brought to light to be dealt with.

How much you will be affected by the eclipse depends on a number of factors. Just be prepared that something in your life will definitely shift or change. Therefore, take it easy over the next few days.

On the plus side, a solar eclipse brings clarity to our awareness and energy to our goals and intentions. Old patterns are broken down so that new patterns of a higher frequency have the space to take hold.

One thing’s for certain, it’s out with the old to make space for the new. A great time to clear clutter not just in your home/business, but also in your body and mind.

As this eclipse is in Libra, it’s time to let go of what is outdated in the way you connect with others, the relationships you have with others – business as well as personal. Do you need to clear some social media contacts that you never connect with and who actually no longer resonate with you? The same for any groups or organisations you belong to. Who/what doesn’t fit any more?

The Druids built fires and beat drums following an eclipse of the Sun - not to bring back the Sun as superstitiously believed - but to restore natural order and power as the new emerges. Light candles and work with fire to honour this Ring of Fire Eclipse, invoke the flame to help you burn away what you no longer need.

Keys to Eclipse season

Stop pushing.




Do gentle exercise to keep the energy moving through your body.

Welcome the changes as best you can.

Trust that this is leading you to something better.

The next eclipse is the partial lunar eclipse in Taurus at the end of the month – just in time for Hallowe’en!

The effect of Eclipses can be felt for up to six months after the actual event.

If you need some support whilst navigating these energies, let me know.

May this New Moon solar Eclipse open a bright, new chapter for you.


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