artist: (c) moonandcactus
New Moon supermoon in Pisces
I often find when the Moon is in Pisces that I feel quite spacey and find it hard to concentrate leading up to it. Have you found this? My dreams also get quite active like they do at Full Moon.
Pisces is a water sign, if you are feeling a bit more sensitive or emotional than usual, be kind to yourself, set aside some quiet time to just be with yourself. Make time for the messages the Universe and your intuition are trying to get through to you.
If you find all this Pisces energy too much, go for a walk in Nature, it will ground you and give your mind something else to think about as you look around you. Do some cloud gazing, just sit and let your mind drift, create space in your mind and body.

Pisces represents compassion, imagination, faith, mysticism, intuition, it’s shadow can cause escapism, addiction, deception, and delusion.
Pisces is a sensitive, generous soul and can often be disappointed in others when they expect more than others can deliver.
Pisces is the one sign of the zodiac more likely to have a strong addiction pattern, not just to substances but to negativity also. Pisces are very creative and natural actors; many end up in showbusiness.
Pisces can be very giving but must remember not to over-give so that they are not taken advantage of, as this leads to disappointment and feeling disillusioned with others and life. Have faith Pisces, you have the gifts of intuition and a deep connection to spirit, develop these gifts and they will help you through your life.
This Supermoon gives you a big growth opportunity especially through your creative endeavours. Be open to thinking about things in a different way, don’t dismiss an opportunity just because it’s different from what you were planning, as it could be much better than what you were thinking.
Pisces is the dreamer of the zodiac; you are being encouraged to follow your dreams and now make them happen. Perhaps you need to pivot and do it differently; if a new door opens take the chance to go through it and see where it leads. Don’t resist the changes that need to occur, even if they seem a bit off the wall, go with it and all will be even better than you could have imagined.
This New Moon supermoon is the perfect time for launching something new. If you get a ‘download’ during dreamtime or meditation and it seems really over the top or ‘out there’ - don’t dismiss it – just do it!

artist (c) Eva Maria Mora
This New Moon is quite magickal, and the perfect time to write a New Moon Manifestation List. Work with the water element too, honour each sip of water, bless your water, talk to the Water Spirits and ask them to help you to stay in the flow. Wallow in a deep bubble bath and let the healing waters relax you. Have a shower and imagine the water spirits washing away any stress and negativity.
Next month sees the start of Eclipse season, so make the most of March and make time for yourself, rest as much as you need to before the bumpy Eclipse season starts. Eat well, take your Vits and chill out as much you can.
Pisces motto is ‘I believe’ so keep believing in yourself and your dreams. Pisces visual symbol is the fish, so take that leap of faith like a leaping salmon, trust in yourself, your dreams and goals and trust in the Universe.

artist (c) Eloy Bida
There are times when you need sanctuary, somewhere that you can just be and let go of the weight of daily life. Even better if you can just sit in a sacred space and receive healing. For March, I am offering a wonderful healing experience. It includes a 1:1 online healing session with me (up to an hour) plus a follow-up session (up to 30mins) for just £85.
Contact me for more info.
“I recently had a healing session with Elly and thoroughly enjoyed it. I felt like she knew me as soon as I came into the session. I was surprised at how deeply relaxing and gentle it was. She really helped me. Thank you so much Elly. 😊🙏🏻” -- Kate O’Neil
Bright New Moon supermoon Blessings to y’all!