New Moon in Scorpio
It’s Scorpio season (Happy Birthday my fellow Scorps), I found it significant that Samhain this year happens during the Dark Nights of the Moon, very scorpionic. Some deep diving into the dark/shadows to reveal the gems of light waiting to be unearthed.
Scorpio is the sign of resurrection, however in order to rise again to the light you need to do some exploring of the dark. Scorpio season is about letting go – I know, there has been so much letting go this year – but this moon’s letting go is to do with your inner self.
~ Do you speak kindly about yourself?
~ Do you think good thoughts about yourself?
~ How often do you judge or criticise yourself?
~ How often do you compare yourself to others?
~ How often do you moan about others?
~ How often do you complain about your life?
All of these are shadow behaviours and although they may feel ingrained at times, you have the ability to transform them.
Every time a negative thought comes up about yourself, stop it, then flip it into a positive statement. Do the same if you are about to criticise someone else, we are all mirrors for each other, look for the good in them as often as you can. You have the power to control your mind, remember it’s your servant not your master.
If you moan about your job, life or partner all the time, you will get more of the same because the Universe thinks that is what you want. If it’s not what you want, then you have the power to change your circumstances.
As well as mastering your mind, master your fear, it’s time to let go of being fearful. (If you need help with that, let’s have a chat).

Scorpio has three stages of evolution:
the Scorpion – the sting in the tail, the sharp mouth/bitchy/negative one who
then evolves into the Eagle – able to rise above having their buttons pressed, sees the bigger picture, grows up,
and finally, into the Phoenix – the mature stage of Scorpio, one who has been to hell and back and overcome, one who has done the inner work for a long time and now rises from the ashes of their old self as the wise teacher who is fearless.
Which stage are you at?
This Scorpio New Moon says it’s time to be honest with yourself, face your feelings, deal with your demons and clear your pathway for an amazing future ahead.
All the letting go you’ve had to do this year is for a purpose, a purpose which will be made clearer in 2025. If you’ve been clinging onto someone or something, let it go now, even though it will be hard to do at times, the Universe has a bigger and better plan for you. Just remember, you are not alone, we are all traversing the changes together, and you have great support from Spirit/the Universe. Trust.
Scorpio is the sign of transformation, we and our planet are transforming, evolving, seeing the old fall away so that the new can be born. Yes it could get a bit tense over the next few weeks, try and see the lesson in everything that happens.

Other pertinent astrology is Pluto (planet of the Underworld, the Kali of astrology) will enter Aquarius on 18/19 November and stay there for the next 20 years. We are finally entering the Age of Aquarius; this is the big shift that we have all been waiting for. This is the light at the end of the tunnel; however, it won’t be peace, love and unicorns straight away though, it takes time to birth a new era.
Everything we have been through and are going through is about freedom. We must stand up for our right to freedom, we must join together to make this happen. The past 4-5 years have been intense and shown us exactly how and where we could lose our freedom, the Age of Aquarius is here to help.
Allow the old you to fall away as if shedding an old skin/persona. Think about who you want to be for the next 20 years, think about how you want to live your life for the next 20 years, it’s time to choose, it’s crunch time for all of us. What was, is not what it was and will never be, so let go and be excited about the brave, bold new future that awaits.

Scorpio is a no-nonsense sign, and this Scorpio New Moon invites you to shed the old layers of self that you have outgrown, to reinforce your boundaries, to reclaim your personal power and to stand up for what you believe in. Scorpio is a sign of truth and will help you to speak your truth and stand tall. Are you ready to rise like the Phoenix out of the ashes of the old?

But for now, it’s time to enjoy the Samhain season, a time to reflect, and a time to honour your Ancestors, your loved ones who have passed on. It’s a chance to connect with them, to ask them for their guidance and protection. The veil is thin between the worlds at this time of year, so thin you can almost touch them, you may feel their presence behind you or to the side of you. They love you and are witness to your life, they want to help, so talk to them and ask them for help as often as you need to, they are always there for you.

It’s also the Festivals of Light season, with Diwali, Samhain/Hallowe’en, Dia de los Muertos, Kwanzaa, Yule/Christmas and finally Chinese New Year. I love this time of year when we can cosy up, light candles and celebrate these special festivals. Never forget to celebrate, life is so precious and we are so blessed.
Keys to this New Moon phase
Let go
Allow your true self to emerge
Trust in your transformation
Rise like the phoenix
Samhain New Moon Blessings to y’all!
Elly 🧙🏻🎃🧹