Last week many children celebrated Book Day and had fun dressing up as their favourite book character (I wish we’d had that when I was at school, I would have loved it!)
My hubby said he’d heard a politician say that it wasn’t fair on children who couldn’t afford to dress up. I said the guy is talking utter rubbish, women have been creating something out of nothing for centuries! I remember my Mum using old curtains or sheets to make dresses for me, all of which she sewed by hand.
The saying that “necessity is the mother of invention” is so true. Some of my best creations have come out of times of necessity. Why does that happen?
It’s because you have already have everything you need to create something new.
It’s just that you don’t think what you have is good enough, or that you don’t have enough of it – neither are true.
This is a dilemma that often happens when hobbyists want to turn their hobby into a business. When setting up a business nowadays it can be overwhelming, there are so many things that need doing. You then get caught up in ‘shiny object syndrome’ when you think that you must do eleventyhundred business-type courses before you can start. None of this is true.
You can start where you are with what you’ve got (to paraphrase Theodore Roosevelt). The most important thing is to start.
And it’s not just hobbyists, I’ve also seen this in the spiritual field. I know a lovely chap who was always on the next training and/or certification course, he did loads of them, 25 years later he still hadn’t done anything with them, he’s now in his 70s and ready for retirement. What a waste! He could have helped so many people over those 25 years.
However, I do understand wanting to learn more and more, I love learning, and I feel we are all perpetual students of life. It’s just where do you stop? When do you realise that actually you’ve got all the qualifications you will ever need? It’s time to then develop your experience by using those qualifications/certifications.
Of course, self-belief has a lot to do with it, you don’t feel you are good enough or you go into comparisonitis, spending too much time comparing yourself with those you see on social media. A quick way to boost your self-esteem is to stop scrolling and start doing!

I help my clients sort the wheat from the chaff. I help them to find balance, clarity, and the right energy so that they can create their dream life, and I do this in a practical as well as magickal way. Don’t feel that you have to struggle on your own, get in touch and let’s have an informal online chat and cuppa to see how I can help you.
What are you going to create/start in the next week? Do let me know.
Many Blessings,
25th March – Full Moon lunar eclipse in Libra
8th April – New Moon total solar eclipse and Supermoon in Aries – wow!
P.S. Next week’s newsletter will be sent via Mailerlite again, as the authentication issue has finally been sorted out – yaaay! This means greater protection for you.