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Indulgence over the festive period can cause some weight gain and many people, particularly women, rush into diets and detoxes as soon as the festivities are over.


Festive indulgence and lack of exercise during the holidays will already have lowered your immune system, so going on diets and weird detoxes will lower it even more, leaving you susceptible to viruses and infections, especially at this time of year.


For those living in the northern hemisphere, this is a dangerous time of year to do detoxes and dieting, as we’re now going into the coldest months when we usually get snow and freezing temperatures.  I know it’s been mild over the Festive period here in the UK; however, we have had snow in March before so be careful.


Actually, you don’t put on as much weight over Christmas as you are led to believe you do – one pound max, and there’s no need to spend money on expensive detox kits and diets.


Some detox plans can be dangerous, particularly those liquid fasting types and please avoid the Gall Bladder Flush or Liver Flush which regularly do the rounds on social media, as they can cause blockages in the gall and/or pancreatic ducts*.  Also never take anything like Epsom salts or baking soda internally.


The fact is your body is designed to naturally detox, it has amazing organs that have specific roles to detox and cleanse the body.


The most effective detoxing organ is your skin, so let it breathe and do its job.  Sweating is the skin’s way of detoxifying and helping the body to rid itself of toxins.  (Avoid antiperspirants, as they block the body’s ability to sweat properly and block the lymphatic system that protects your immune system against infection, use a deodorant instead or even better, don’t use anything at all).


Crash diets end up making you fatter because they interfere with your metabolism. When you diet, your body slows down your metabolism because it goes into protection mode due to the low food intake, so it will store every calorie as fat to protect your vital organs.  The initial weight loss on these diets is just retained fluid.


In order to lose weight and detox the body gently, try this:


🍬 Donate any unopened festive food goodies to a food bank/charity (check Use By dates first) and get rid of any opened stuff.


🫛Reduce sugar and fat intake on a daily basis; increase veggies (especially leafy greens) and a small amount of fruit.  Before you put it in your mouth ask yourself “is this going to nourish or deplete me?”


🍗To lose weight you actually need to eat more!  More of the right kinds of food i.e. lean protein, lots of veggies - all different colours with plenty of leafy greens plus some carbs.


🤾🏻‍♀️You also need to exercise, as diet alone will not lead to sustained weight loss.


To help your system detox naturally, try this:


🍋Start the day with a slice of organic lemon studded with a few cloves in a mug of hot water, drink this an hour before eating breakfast.  It will cleanse your digestive system and keep you regular! (The lemon is full of vitamin C and cloves have natural antimicrobial properties).


🛁Have an Epsom Salts bath*; add one mug of Epsom salts to a bath that you are running. Stay in the bath for at least ten minutes and enjoy relaxing.  Epsom salts help you to detox naturally and also help ease aches and pains. (NOTE: not suitable for those with kidney problems).


💧Drink plenty of good old-fashioned plain water (not fizzy) throughout the day. We tend to move less in Winter and stay indoors in warm houses, which causes dehydration.  Water moves toxins out of the body in a gentle and effective way.  Water helps you to have clarity of mind and flexibility in your body, and drinking plenty of it gives you fabulous skin – bonus!


🌬️Remember to breathe properly.  When we are slumped on a sofa or concentrating hard on something, we forget to breathe properly.  Do this several times a day; stop what you are doing and close your eyes, take a deep breath in and exhale loudly, do this three times.  Then do 3 more quieter breaths, in through the nose and out through the nose.  It only takes a few seconds and helps to not only to oxygenate your system, it helps you to mentally reset too.


🌳Go outside every day if you can – weather permitting.  Even a short walk during the day will help to keep your lymphatic system moving, plus you will be absorbing low level Vit D.  Daylight during the winter months will also boost your pineal gland and improve your mood.


🤸🏻‍♀️Build more exercise into your day, even when sitting at your desk.  Remember to stretch upwards when you have been hunched over the computer for ages.  Get up and walk around and look at something 20 feet away to reset your eyes.  Lift some weights whilst you are reading an online article or report.  Do some lunges whilst waiting for the kettle to boil.


Most importantly, make friends with your body this year, look after it, respect it, value it, love it, and praise it – because it is remarkable!



I wish you a year of vibrant good health!




*source: Paul Bergner ND, American Institute of Medical Herbalism, Medical Herbalism Journal, Lancet





Try my Personal Power Roadmap reading, which will show you what to avoid and what to concentrate on for the year ahead.

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