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artist: (c) Selina French

The first Full Moon of the year brings you courage, strength and shines a light on your creative self.


Leo is a fire sign, if your energy has been a bit low recently, Leo brings you a boost to finish that clutter clearing and spring cleaning and enjoy some creativity too.  Are you still hiding your talents?  It’s time to share your talents and creativity with the world, with all the darkness going on, now is the time to birth the beauty of your creations into the world as it is so ready for them. 


The Full Moon shines a light on the internal clutter clearing that is going on as well.  Have memories from the past been drifting up?  Something or someone you haven’t thought about for years or remembering issues that upset you?  It’s all part of the clearing that’s going as preparation for the year ahead.  This is internal clutter you didn’t even realise you had, so allow it to drift up and be acknowledged, then let it melt away.  Remember it’s only a memory of the past, it cannot affect you or your life today.  Allow this gentle healing process to happen.


This internal clearing gives you the inner space to think creatively and make the changes you have been wanting to make for a long time, you weren’t ready before, but you are now. 


Things may feel a bit tense during the Full Moon transit as there is also a T-square.  The T-square is in fixed signs - fixed signs hate change! – but change is what needs to happen.  T-squares always create a bit of tension; this is to bring our awareness to how we are reacting to what someone is saying or doing.

Expect egos to abound on social media as people battle to be right – and usually about something not worth battling about.  Stand well back.  If you get triggered – stop, think, and breathe before saying or doing anything – especially on social media.


(artist unknown)

This year is about moving human beings out of self-centredness and into caring for all of humanity.  2024 is a time of not putting up with or tolerating, it’s about using the sword of truth to cut through all the bullsh*t and spin, to speak our truth and walk our talk.  A time of gathering together as communities to make ourselves heard as we move towards creating better lives for everyone. It’s about turning ‘me’ into ‘we’.


This Full Moon boosts your self-confidence and encourages you to be optimistic about your life and your future.  There is planetary support for you to finally make your dreams a reality.  All those dreams that have been hanging about in the ethers can now be made manifest on the Earth realm.  So, make them happen y’hear!


And if you feel a nervous wobble about all this – good!  It’s a sign that this is exactly what you need to do, so be excited!


Don’t forget to celebrate your successes, each little success along the way as well as the big successes, when we do that, we get more reasons to celebrate.


Remember that Full Moons are about releasing, so let go of any negativity around your talents, creativity or ability to manifest.  Silence those negative ninnies in your mind, they are not in charge you are. You are perfectly capable, you already have everything you need, so just get started.


This Full Moon is giving you permission to do what brings you joy.  Enough of the heavy stuff, it’s time for you to focus on bringing more joy into your life.


So, get out of that rut you’ve been in and continue to release all those old beliefs that have held you back, it’s time to release the comfortable habits you got into and start to really focus your energy in the right way in order to easily manifest what you want.



As Leo is a fire sign, it’s the perfect time to do a Fire Ritual:

You will need:

Candle, Paper, pen, matches, heatproof container/cauldron.


  • Light a candle and dedicate it to this sacred Fire Ritual you are about to do.  Call in your Guides/Guardians/Angels to hold the space for you.

  • Write down all the things – and people – that you want to release now, until your hand aches.  No need to re-read it, just let your hand flow over the page until you feel empty and can’t think of anything else to write.

  • Roll the sheet/s of paper up and slightly twist them.  Burn them safely in your heatproof container/cauldron.  Ensure that every single word is reduced to ash.  (This dispels any remaining karma; it frees you and it frees them).

  • Send the light of your candle out to all those in need in our world, by blowing the candle out (don’t snuff it) and see the smoke rise up to Spirit.  Thank your Guides/Guardians/Angels and release them from your sacred space.

  • Then take the ashes outside and either scatter on the flower beds or cast into the wind.


Now you feel lighter, freer and ready for the exciting, creative new chapter of your life.




I have the courage to fulfil my dreams

I now manifest the life I want

Anything is possible for me now



Bright Full Moon Blessings to you all!




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