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FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse Blessings: Illuminate – Release – Be at Peace


artist: (c) Pat Brennan

Full Moon lunar eclipse in Libra

Yep, not only is it Full Moon, but’s it’s also the first Eclipse season of the year, with Mercury retrograde about to start as well.


Full Moons are a culmination of all that has gone on in the previous four weeks.  A time to look back and reflect.  The Full Moon in Libra shines a light on your relationships, business as well as personal.


Full Moons always feel a bit intense and can bring up emotions, so if you feel a bit wobbly, this is why.  Don’t shut down, keep the dialogue going, keep talking to your nearest and dearest, let them know how you are feeling.


Libra looks for fairness and balance in all things, they are the peacemakers of the zodiac and need harmony around them.  They champion the underdog and need to ensure their kindness is not taken advantage of.


artist: unknown

Eclipses are about wake-ups, shake-ups and break-ups, endings and new beginnings.  Eclipses rattle your cage a bit to shake you out of complacency so that you can get back on the right and true path.  They get rid of who/what’s blocking you from love, happiness, peace, success etc.  Try not to resist letting go and/or the changes that need to occur, trust that they are for the best.


Lunar Eclipses are about going within, they illuminate your shadow stuff and bring it up for healing.  This may feel confronting, but stick with it, the sooner you clear it the sooner you will benefit.


You may find yourself thinking about the past, don’t wallow in it.  The Full Moon is giving you a chance to reflect and then move on.


Questions to ask yourself during this Eclipse;


·         Who or what do you need to let go of?

·         Who or what do you need to forgive so that you can finally move on?

·         Are these people/is this situation a help or a hindrance to you?

·         Are they/is it giving you back as much as you’ve been putting in?

·         What commitments did you make a while ago that now feel restrictive?


The lesson from this Eclipse is that it’s time to decide who and what really matters to you and decide who/what can remain in your life.  Let go of the rest.  (This also applies to negative thinking, old beliefs and/or habits that no longer serve you etc).


Don’t ignore your intuition, follow the guidance, trust your gut.  Your mind may try to override the promptings, don’t let it, tune in to your intuition and then take action.


Eclipses offer transformation and although they can feel a bit rough at times, they always lead to something better.  Therefore, if doors start closing on you, be reassured that new, better ones will open soon.   Have courage and have faith as all will be well.  These scary turning points are often the highlights of your life.


I know this from personal experience.  During one rough eclipse season so much was going wrong for me that I was on my knees.  Then my husband walked into my life.  At the time I thought the last thing I needed was a relationship when I had all this other cr*p to sort out!  However, the Universe knew better, and my life has been changed for the better.  It was a massive turning point.


Eclipses can feel a bit of a shock sometimes, but their intention is to reveal what has been hidden, so that you can see the truth of a person/situation.  Or to see something/someone from a different angle, in a way you hadn’t seen before.


Heads Up: Mercury retrograde starts on 1st April, the shadow period starts the week before.  Mercury Retrograde will end 25th April – but allow a week after that date for things to settle.


Mercury retrogrades tend to slow things down giving you the chance to catch up with what is outstanding.  Mercury - as well as four other planets - is in Pisces, so when all the busyness slows down, use the time instead to develop your creativity.  Allow yourself to daydream (all this Pisces energy makes decision-making a bit fuzzy, wait before making any major decisions).  Write, paint, create with your hands, dance, journal etc.


Mercury is all about the re’s:


Recharging – does your energy need some recharging?

Reviewing – take another look at what you’ve been working on or review your life and see what may need to change.  Review relationships and groups – do they support who you are now?  Do they uplift you or drain you?

Renewing and Replacing – if it’s broken fix it or get rid of it and replace it.  How many subscriptions are you paying for that you’re not using, have you forgotten to renew any important ones?

Reduce – do you need so many possessions? Or do you need to reduce the impact on your personal energy of any negativity around you, or wasting your precious energy scrolling on social media?  What can you reduce?

Rectify and Reconciliation – what needs putting right?  Is it time to be the bigger person and rectify the situation by encouraging reconciliation?  What else in your life needs to be rectified?

Rejuvenate/Regenerate – an ideal time to pamper your physical body, to start eating cleaner foods to rejuvenate yourself from the inside out.  Stretch your body and mind more.  Energy creates energy.  You can regenerate any part of your life – and your body – once you put your mind to it.

Reflect – take time to think back not just over the past month, but also since the start of the New Year.  Journal your thoughts, and decide what you want for the rest of this year, when you look back at the end of 2024, what will you be happy about?

Finally, and most importantly - Relax!  Take your foot off the accelerator and use the brake to slow down a bit, just for the month of April.  Enjoy the colours, sounds and scents of Spring.


artist: (c) Eloy Bidam

To help you during this Lunar Eclipse season, I’m offering a lovely healing experience.  A one-hour, online, healing session with me plus a follow-up chat, for just £85.  Contact me for more info.



“I recently had a healing session with Elly and thoroughly enjoyed it.  I felt like she knew me as soon as I came into the session.  I was surprised at how deeply relaxing and gentle it was. She really helped me.  Thank you so much Elly.  😊🙏🏻”

-- Kate O’Neil, business coach



KEYS to this powerful Transit

Enjoy Nature

Stay grounded!

Make time for some of the Re’s

Let go of resistance

Be flexible

Keep the faith


Stressed? Remember to breathe (3 deep breaths in and out)

Pamper yourself!

All Will Be Well



Bright Full Moon Blessings to y’all!




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