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Full Moon in Capricorn

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Gosh June just flew by and now it’s July. On 3rd July we have a bright Full supermoon Moon in Capricorn that could bring up some emotion, it’s a time of honesty and speaking truthfully.

Full Moons are a time to give thanks for the month we’ve just had, letting go of anything that didn’t work or was negative, and preparing ourselves to create wonderful growth in all areas of our lives from July onwards.

The Full Moon in Capricorn asks you to stop being so stubborn, to stop butting heads and focus on what matters.

How are things going on the third dimensional level for you?

It’s all very well doing lovely spiritual stuff, but there comes a time when you need to get your sh*t sorted out on the third dimensional level.

Is there something that needs sorting out? Do you need to get your house or affairs in order?

Have you been putting off anything legal or contractual? Have you let your routines and practices slide? It’s time to pull your britches up and get on with it.

How grounded are you?

Neptune can make us feel dreamy and a bit spaced out, and whilst that’s lovely it stops us getting on with stuff. It’s important to be grounded over the next few months and stop using avoidance, distractions or wallowing.

Capricorn invites you to get on with it, to be more productive and focused. For example, I have an enormous To Do List, so I need to work out what really is a priority and what are time wasters; also what I may have let slide that needs sorting out. This Full Moon helps us to get back on track by being more disciplined, especially for those in business.

Keep your boundaries intact and well in place especially when a serious discussion is afoot (applies to work as well as family and extended family).

Full Moons are also a great time for releasing and healing, doubly so with Neptune retrograde (see below).

Neptune (planet of inspiration/illusion) is retrograde until the first week of December. When Neptune goes retrograde you feel like you want to hide in a cave away from the world. This is relevant if you have been so busy being busy that you have ignored and overridden yourself, however Saturn reminds you that there are matters you need to get on with. Have you been using other diversions to avoid dealing with what needs dealing with?

This is also be a time of deep healing. If you feel like you want to withdraw from the world, just check with yourself that you’re not avoiding something or someone that needs to be dealt with. Or, it can mean that you need some quiet time to work through and heal some old stuff that is buried deep.

Neptune can sometimes make you feel like throwing caution to the wind – don’t – it’s an illusion which could cause you more problems further down the line.

As you could be emotionally sensitive during this transit, be sure to maintain your protection protocols, every day before you leave the house. Your ability to see through others and/or situations will be enhanced, don’t override what you’re being shown; it’s time for you to see the truth about them/it. If something or someone doesn’t feel right, trust your instinct. Trust your gut and your intuition - it’s never wrong.

Saturn (the Cosmic Taskmaster) is also still retrograde. Use these retrogrades to journal your feelings. Also write down how you are using your precious time, how much is frittered away scrolling mind-numbing social media? How much is spent lounging in front of the TV? What changes do you need to make in how you use your time?

Remember these are minutes and hours that you will never be able to get back, so use your time wisely in a way that nourishes and fulfills you on every level.

Believe me, it’s taken a lifetime for me to realise this, don’t wait until you’re my age to cotton on to this. Time is your life’s currency - spend it well.

Earth signs will find this transit easier than water signs. If you’re psychically sensitive you need to ensure that your solar plexus shield is strong, otherwise you could be soaking up negative vibes like a sponge and/or getting socked in the solar plexus when you least expect it.

Here’s a way to boost your Solar Plexus:

If the Sun is out, position yourself so that it hits your solar plexus and pull that warm golden energy right through your solar plexus from front to back or visualise it.

Also ensure that you are protecting your aura too and ground, ground, ground!

Give yourself a pat on the back and a hug, you’re doing great, you’ve been working so hard on yourself over the past few years, remember how far you have come in a short space of time.

KEYS to riding this Transit

Keep the faith

There is much to look forward to

Keep your boundaries intact

Trust your gut

Listen to your intuition and be open to the clarity now available

Get things sorted out

Be more disciplined and productive

Go into Nature and soothe your senses when it gets too much

and give yourself plenty of hugs!

Full Moon Blessings y’all!


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