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New Moon in Aries

artist (c) Anna Shaw

Aries this is a powerful time for you, there are two New Moons in your sign (the next one is 20th April) so you get a double dose of awesome energy allowing you to really take off this year. You are going to have an interesting year ahead.

What lovely New Moon energy we are all being blessed with! The Aries New Moon will see our energy levels start to improve and the urge to get out and about and get things done will start to happen – yaaaay! No more winter hibernation it’s time to emerge.

It’s also the Spring Equinox, that wonderful time of year when everything starts to blossom and grow. An ideal time to get ready to launch that project you’ve been working so hard on.

New Moons as you know are about new starts, Aries heralds the start of the new astrological year so there’s lots of lovely new, fresh energy available.

  • How are you going to use it?

  • What fresh start do you need?

  • What is something new that you can do for yourself, your work or your home?

  • What new routine, ritual or practice do you know you need to start doing?

There is such strong rebirth energy with this New Moon. If you’ve been stuck, vegetating or couch potatoing for too long, then this is the push you have been waiting for.

We all have a chance to start over, to create new beginnings for ourselves. It can be a small change like cutting down on sugar, or making time for meditation or it can be a much bigger change, one that you already know that you need to make.

As Aries is a fire sign there could be some fiery/combative energy around to deal with. People’s touchpapers could be lit quicker than usual so stand well back.

Here, the winter seems to have gone on a long time and everyone is restless for it to end as they can feel the Spring energy rising and just want to get going.

Don’t miss this opportunity to let yourself blossom. Yes it will take a bit of effort and commitment to make it happen, but you can do it. The planets are helping us to stay determined to make those changes. It’s time to move forward now and let go of the past – it’s over, done with – now it’s time to focus on the future you want.

Other Astrology:

Pluto (The Transformer) is moving into Aquarius for the first time since the 1700s. This means a massive time of transformation and revolution internally and externally. Pluto preserves life and will get rid of anything that does not honour that.

Pluto is also about balance of power so we will see shifts globally. Pluto is a slow moving planet, these changes will happen gradually over the next two decades.

Back to the New Moon in Aries, it’s your turn to be in the spotlight and the way is clear and well lit for you to now do that. There are no retrograde planets until the end of April so this lovely energy will keep you moving forward now.

This New Moon gives us an abundance of good energy that will help us to get motivated and give us the courage to deal with any obstacles or curveballs that come our way, they will be minor irritations because we will be so focused on what we are doing and where we are headed, that they won’t throw us off track.

Positive words to embody for this New Moon transit:

Assertiveness, get up and go, confidence, boldness, JFDI!

What to avoid:

Aries can lack patience so you could get caught up in arguments and disagreements and some people could be a bit aggressive.

Element to work with: Fire.

Key: Stay grounded and hydrated.

New Moon Blessings y'all!


P.S. If you need some support in getting going again, do contact me.

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