Hi everyone,
It seems that Mailerlite (the platform that sends out my newsletter) has temporarily stopped sending them, as apparently, I do need to have the new authentication set up. I’m hoping to get this sorted very soon. In the meantime, I will be publishing the newsletter via this Blog instead. Here's the one that should have gone out last week. Thank you for your understanding.
(Blog subscribers are automatically added to the newsletter list so that they don’t miss out).

Feeling a bit betwixt and between?
‘Tis the change of season.
As the last moon of Winter ends here in the northern hemisphere, it’s the beginning of a new season. Spring is about to arrive.
I’ve noticed over the years that there can be a strange energy between seasons. A feeling of being inbetween, of leaving something behind but not quite stepping into something new. Have you ever felt this?
It’s a threshold, and thresholds often feel different and a bit strange until we step through them.
Everyone wants to rush into Spring; however, Mother Nature has Her own timetable and delivers Spring only when we have been completed the challenges of the Winter moons.
Winter teaches us to slow down, to rest, to spend time in our homes gathering our energy for the coming warmer months that require more action and energy. Yet if we try to rush this process, we end up depleted rather than restored at the start of Spring.
Thresholds indicate that change must happen, just as the seasons change so we must also change.

We cross many thresholds in our lives, some not as subtle as the seasonal ones, some more dramatic and possibly life-changing/spiritually changing.
As you approach this seasonal change, pause for a moment to reflect on the Winter moons you have just lived through. What did you learn? What changes do you need to make before you embark on the more active moons of the year?
I give thanks to the White Crone of Winter as we now welcome the Spring Maiden.
Spring Blessings to y’all!
10th March New Moon supermoon in Pisces
25th March lunar eclipse Full Moon in Libra – yes, first eclipse season of the year starts!
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