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Full Wesak Super Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio - Wow!
Full Moons always make us feel more emotional than usual. Scorpios and those with Scorpio prominent in their charts, may have felt hypersensitive in the lead up to this Full Moon. Hypersensitive to things such as noise, other people’s negative energy, smells, bright lights, and skin sensitive to the touch. Other water signs i.e. Cancer and Pisces, may also be feeling it a bit.
All of these symptoms will ease once the Moon is on the wane in a couple of days’ time.
For all of us, deeper layers of old issues, grief, anger etc will have risen to the surface to be healed. We are facing our demons and dancing with our shadows again.
In some parts of the world the Moon will look blood red, very Scorpionic!
As I said in my New Moon Blog post, Eclipses can cause sudden turnarounds; they can shake things up, break things up and definitely wake us up. This Full Moon Eclipse is incredibly powerful; we are all going through a turbo-charged transformation so that we can upgrade our lives and ourselves. Even though you may not be aware of it yet, it is happening on some level for you and will make itself apparent when the time is right.

Whenever I’m being upgraded, I get symptoms that are a bit like jet lag. I get woozy and nauseous, I don’t feel grounded as I feel a bit otherworldly, I find it hard to concentrate and want to sleep but don’t sleep well at night. Your eyesight may be a bit blurry too as your energy field adjusts to seeing life through a new ‘lens’. All of this happened to me for a couple of days recently and I thought, ‘Oops here we go again, I’m being rewired and upgraded!’ Emotionally it was like going through the wringer and it can be tiring. We also have to contend with sun flares and other energetic disturbances that affect our energy fields. So please rest when you can.
artist unknown
How have the past two weeks been for you? I know for some they have been pretty intense. Some have already made life-changing decisions, and some are stepping more fully into their personal power and realising it - the changes and transformations have begun.
And how have your dreams been? Mine have been very vivid over the past week and I received an important message about what I need to let go of and what I need to focus my precious energy on.
This life-changing Lunar Eclipse is about powerful revelations and releasing who/what you need to let go of. It’s a time to be honest with yourself.
· If you’ve been putting off dealing with something or someone, it is imperative that you do this now.
· It’s also about relinquishing control, who or what have you been trying to hold onto? You must let go now and surrender your need to control.
· It’s also about forgiveness, drop old resentments and hurts, forgive them/forgive what happened and free yourself once and for all.
· Where have you been abdicating responsibility? It’s time to be responsible again. Or if someone else has been abdicating their responsibilities, they now need to be brought to task about it.
Your pathway must be cleared of who/what no longer serves you, who/what has been bringing you down for far too long, also ways you have been doing things that are stagnant and stuck. It’s not going to be pretty, but it needs to be done, and you have more courage than you think.
Don’t ignore what needs to happen, or this Total Eclipse will give you a big kick in the butt to make you change/take action.
Full Moons are about letting go. At the recent New Moon many of us expressed our desires for manifesting our dreams, now is the time to trust that the Universe will take care of the details. Try not to worry about the how, just send love to what you want and it will be drawn to you. Follow any hunches or nudges from the Universe and take the actions required that would take you step-by-step nearer to what you want.
For those who have already made the bold and brave decisions, you may be in that space between what was, but haven’t yet stepped into what is becoming. That can feel a little bit scary and disorienting, hang on in there, you will soon be stepping firmly into your new reality. You just might need to sort a few more details out before it all slots into place.
You also need to allow yourself space and time to grieve for what/who you have let go of. A chapter is closing and that can be sad, so allow the space between then and where you are now headed, to heal the emotions of letting go so that you are clear to step forward. You know that where you are going next is right for you. The Full Moon will bring you more clarity.
Eclipses increase manifestation powers, so be sure that what you manifest is for the highest good of all concerned. Every decision we make affects the whole. The vibration we send out affects everything and everyone. What vibration are you sending out on a daily basis?

It’s also the Buddha Moon, known as Wesak. This is a celebration of the birth, death and enlightenment of the Buddha. It’s observed in many countries and is part of their Spring lunar festivals. The blessings of the Buddha are showered upon us during this powerful time. Death and rebirth are at hand and great transformation for all.
We are loved and supported as we traverse this most shamanic of journeys.

From the Native American Indian perspective, it’s also the Flower Moon.
I think that is perfect and a lovely way to describe how we will all blossom beautifully, once we navigate our way through what needs to heal and happen, and come back up to the light.
(And if you need any help with that, just let me know).
The effects of Eclipses can reverberate in our lives for many months afterwards. However, they always lead us in the right direction and always to something much better.
It’s also the perfect time to do a Fire Ritual.
o Write down everything that you want to let go of.
o Burn it until every single word has become ash.
o Then either scatter the ash to the winds or sprinkle around the garden to be absorbed by Mother Earth.

Keys to riding this Total Eclipse:
Ø Rest as often as you can.
Ø Stay hydrated.
Ø Stay grounded.
Ø Be patient.
Ø You have the courage to do what needs to be done.
Ø Be as flexible as you can when changes start happening.
Ø Be kind to yourself.
ØBe aware of your vibration:
- thoughts/words/actions - as you move forward into the new, you don’t want to repeat karma or bring old karma with you.
Ø You will be victorious!
The one thing you can be absolutely sure of when we come out the other side of this powerful Eclipse season, is that we will all be so much stronger in our personal power, we will stand tall and proud, knowing who we are, where we are going and what we are meant to do.
It’s a time of rebirth. So once again we will rise like the phoenix from the ashes of our past into a braver, stronger now, which will enable us to create a happier and much more fulfilling future.
Magnificent Moon Blessings to y’all!
Elly xx