New Moon in Pisces
artist unknown
This week’s New Moon is in dreamy Pisces; yes we’ve entered the watery and spiritual Pisces season.
Happy Birthday Pisces, are you ready for a new beginning? For you especially, this is your opportunity to start over, to change things and start again, to go for it. Be bold Pisces, this is your special chance to start again.

This is the perfect New Moon for all of us to write a Manifestation List.
What is your longed for dream?
Write it all down and don’t restrict yourself in any way, let it flow across the page. Think about all the different areas of your life, how would they be/look/feel if this dream were to come true?
Do this as a beautiful New Moon ritual for yourself.
This Pisces New Moon is fabulous for ‘downloads’ coming thick and fast; inspiration, ideas, and all the clues you need. They could come in dreamtime as well as suddenly during the day, write them down. The next few days are perfect for connecting with Spirit and meditating and being open to the downloads.
This is important. After writing down your dream, you must start taking some kind of action to make it happen. Saturn (the Taskmaster) reminds us that dreaming and wishing doesn’t make it happen only commitment does. Saturn reminds us that if you put the work in, the Universe will meet you halfway and help you to make it happen. Are you ready to truly commit to your dream?
Don’t give up if curveballs and obstacles crop up along the way. Keep the faith; believe in your dream and keep heading towards it, a way will be shown to you. Be flexible and open to getting there, however it may not be in the way you intended when you started out, be open to the changes, prompts and information that comes your way.
Pisces is also creative energy, so let your inner muse come out and express yourself creatively/artistically, and why not treat your muse to a visit to an art gallery or exhibition?
I know that some folks have found their creativity inhibited since lockdown and all that followed. It’s time to trust that it is still there and it’s ready to be expressed. If you need some help with that, do get in touch.

Pisces is a water sign so you could be feeling a bit emotional around this New Moon transit (Cancer and Scorpio will also be feeling more sensitive). If you find yourself struggling a bit, take yourself off into nature and visit the sea or a lake, tune into the energy of water for guidance. Drink plenty of water too, when we are properly hydrated we can think more clearly.
Or, if you find you are feeling too spacey, go for a stomping good walk in Nature to ground yourself, or do some gardening.
Or dance; let your feelings express themselves through your body.
Rabbit reminds us to be kind to others and ourselves, to use this time to nurture ourselves as well as our homes. This Pisces energy could see you wanting to do some kind of revamp or upgrade to bring more beauty and peace into your home.
Affirmations for the New Moon
I trust in my intuition and the guidance I receive.
I am 100% committed to my dream and I will take action to make it happen.
I am open to being guided.
I trust in my ability to make my dream/s come true.
I will overcome any obstacles or problems that come up along the way.
I am a powerful, creative, spiritual Being.
Make the most of this lovely, creative, spiritual energy, as in March we will be heading for more deep healing with Chiron (the Wounded Healer) who will be conjunct Jupiter (planet of good fortune).
Do let me know how you get on with manifesting your dream, and if you need any help along the way, do get in touch.
Bright New Moon Blessings y’all!