Hello I'm Elly, welcome

Doing your best but not getting the results you’d hoped for?
Doubting yourself and self-esteem taking a nosedive?
Trying to juggle work, life and everything in-between?
Feel like you’re heading for burnout?
Deep down inside you feel that you still have a mission to fulfil but feel too tired right now to do anything about it. Or you have a dream or goal you've been trying so hard to manifest
but it still hasn't happened for you.
I’ve been through all of the above, I know what it’s like trying to hold it all together and feeling exhausted.
But now you can stop and breathe ....
Working with me you will go from stress to success, from overwhelm to serenity
from confusion to clarity.
What's happened to you in the past doesn’t have to define you
or stop you enjoying life and being happy.
I will support you every step of the way.
I will help you to change what you most want to change.
I take my clients from mess to success in a way
that connects both head and heart.
Are you ready to change things?
I give you the tools you need to succeed.
I've experienced all of the above and made many mistakes in my life, I've
experienced many of the pitfalls and stumbling blocks myself.
Which is why I have authentic experience to help you get through
whatever is stopping you from being happy, successful and fulfilled.
For over 35 years, I’ve been working as a Therapist, Healer, Counsellor and Mentor
specialising in helping people cope with life's challenges and manifest their dreams.
I have a magickal tool box of therapies and techniques that I use
to help you regain balance, clarity, energy and purpose.
My Wise Woman Wisdom system has been successful for thousands of clients.
Discover your Pyramid of Possibilities, and other tools and technique
that you can carry on using for yourself.
If you're committed to wanting better for yourself,
I will do everything in my power to help you achieve that.
What do you most need help with right now?

“Human Beings are like diamonds; multi-faceted and each unique in their own way. To be that polished and bright they have to break their way out of some pretty hard stuff first.”
Elly Yule

In order to bloom - you need to find your way through the dark
into the light