FULL MOON in Scorpio
artist: (c) Kaguya
Mercury retrograde ends this week, communication, travel and generally everything will start to flow better again.

Following hot on the heels of the recent powerful Eclipse season, this week we had the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus which happens every 13-14 years. Many interesting things have emerged over the decades from this conjunction such as the fall of the roman empire, the first talkie movie premiered, the French Revolution, 1968 civil rights movement and the people demonstrated against the Vietnam war, the Moon landings, the birth of Rock & Roll and Peace movement.
If part of you has been asleep, prepare to be awakened as positive change is imminent.

Jupiter (The Beneficent) the planet of blessings and good fortune, opens up opportunities for us, helping us to expand our thinking and the way we live and work.

Uranus (The Awakener) activates our maverick side and likes to shake things up. Expect the unexpected!
Together they are quite the combo and trigger the urge for freedom. Jupiter shows us the way and Uranus gives us the kick in the butt we need. If you’ve been holding yourself back in any way, or have felt held back, this duo will propel you where you need to be and guide you to what you need to be doing, who you need to be doing it with etc. Any potential that has not been realised, now has the chance to be – how exciting is that?!
Because of Uranus’ unpredictability it’s impossible to try and guess how the change will come or what will change, just remain open and excited and allow it to happen.
Even if you feel that the dark times will never end, hang on in there, the light is coming to show you the way ahead. If you’ve had to carry a heavy burden for a long time, relief will come, you will be able to lay that heaviness down as you will soon be released from it.
Jupiter brings good energy to whatever changes occur, so know that it will all work out for you. Jupiter helps us all to feel lighter and brighter and our enthusiasm returns. Enjoy the flashes of inspiration that pop in too.
However, be patient with this, the changes or flashes of inspiration are just the start of something that is seeding in your life that plays out on a longer-term basis (over the next 13-14 years). You may not even realise things are changing, as it could be a slow-moving process for some, where gradually, step-by-step, things start falling into place for you. For others, the decision to completely change the way you live or work, may feel instantaneous and you immediately do something about it, this could be radically changing your career or the country you live in, you get the idea.

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Jupiter represents expansion, you may find that you also expand greatly in a spiritual and/or intellectual way. The more open you are to higher guidance, the more you are able to relax and allow yourself to be guided through the changes that start happening. This expansion could even help you in your work and finances can improve. Relationships (personal/family/business) will also undergo some kind of positive expansion, connections become stronger and new beneficial connections are made.
The next 13-14 years are a time of innovation and revolution (sounds good to me!).
A time of empowerment, a time of light overcoming dark, it’s your time.

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And we have a Full Moon in Scorpio. Scorpio takes us into the depths we don’t want to go to, so that we can heal what has been buried and allow ourselves to be reborn. Scorpio is the Phoenix that rises from the ashes, and this is a great image to tune into as we all start this new chapter of our lives guided by Jupiter and Uranus.
How apt to have a Scorpio Full Moon the same week at the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction starts. This Scorpio Moon shines a light on what we need to clear from our pathway and from ourselves, so that we are clearer and lighter when we move forward. This Full Moon shines a light on those who are not supportive of you, you will see the truth that was hidden. This gives you the opportunity to cut from your life those people and things that do not support you, your dreams and goals. This can be old habits and beliefs too, it’s time for a new you.
A good exercise to do, is to think about what happened to you and in your life during the previous Jupiter-Uranus conjunction years.
Write down what happened back then and see what that reveals to you. Somewhere along the line you would have made some big changes.
I feel as if we have all been given an incredible gift this year, with the recent Eclipses and this Conjunction, it’s like all the tough stuff has been worth it, we are heading in the right direction. So, hang on in there, the best is most definitely on its way to you.
Full Moon Blessings y’all!