(artist unknown)
New Moon total Solar Eclipse in Aries
We won’t see it in the UK as it won’t happen until this evening (at approximately 7:52pm, the further north you are you may see it partially). If you are in the US, it happens at approximately 2:21pm EDT. It will last just under 5 minutes.
The build-up to this Total Eclipse has been pretty intense for some; shock revelations, feelings of vulnerability, old worries and fears surfacing, sudden change in direction i.e. home, job, relationships and so on. And everyone has felt soooo tired! Have you felt the build-up?
On this day and for a couple of days afterwards, be kind to yourself until the intensity wanes. Create a space for some quiet time so that you can attune to the messages that are trying to come through. Meditate, journal, drink water little and often to flush out any stress toxins and go for a walk in Nature to ground your feelings.
As I mentioned in my previous Blog post, Eclipses are about wake-ups, shake-ups and break-ups, endings and new beginnings. Keep the faith, ride out the rough bit because it will lead you to something so much better. The effects of an Eclipse can reverberate in our lives for up to 6 months after it occurs.

This all happens in Aries, the sign of independence, being assertive, taking action, being a pioneer in something, strength, and initiative. Therefore -
-If you’ve been co-dependent, you are now being pushed into independence.
-If you haven’t been speaking up for yourself, you will now find the courage to do so.
-If you have allowed others to be domineering, you will now be able to stand up for yourself.
-If you allow others to run your life or make decisions for you, you will now have to do this for yourself and you will be able to, because you will feel more assertive.
-If you are always thinking of others, this Eclipse makes you focus on yourself, it’s important to give yourself the time to do that.
-If you have been giving too much of your energy away, it’s time to stop and gather that back in for yourself.
Whatever rut you’ve been in, this Total Eclipse will boot you out of it to get you on the right path. Uncomfortable? Yes. Worth it? Definitely.
This Eclipse is a biggie and heralds long-term changes for you and your life. It’s a chance to break away from the old and step into the new. For everyone, it’s a chance to start a completely new chapter in your life, one that is exciting, challenging, thrilling and wonderful all at once.
You may have already been feeling the urge to purge the clutter and redecorate, or have an image makeover yourself, or you may completely change the way you want to work and live. Follow the urges, trust your gut, and listen to your intuition, it will guide you.
If you’re not sure what to do, wait a couple of days until the New Moon is visible in the sky. With Mercury still retrograde take the time to make any big decisions before taking action, even though you may feel impulsive, stop and check all the facts before moving forward.

The Sun aligns with Chiron (planet of the Wounded Healer) at the same time as the Eclipse, which is why things may feel a bit raw and/or emotional for you. It’s an opportunity to heal whatever comes up. Just speak your truth when it comes to those difficult conversations. You can trust that it will all work out for the highest good of all concerned.
Once again you are being asked to take a look at the relationship you have with yourself – this Eclipse brings health issues to the forefront reminding us that we need to take care of our physical vehicle as well as we take care of everyone else. It’s also about taking a look at the relationships you have with others, your relationship to Mother Earth and Her inhabitants.

Aries is a bold character (the motivator of the zodiac) who has no problem showing up and saying, ‘I’m here, this is me’ and being delighted about it. It’s time for you to do that too because if you don’t blow your own trumpet, who will? That doesn’t mean you have to be arrogant; you will be able to do it in your own lovely way.
This Eclipse encourages you not to be afraid of sharing your creativity with the world.
This Eclipse is about overcoming your fears, tapping into the courage you do have, not worrying about what anyone else thinks – trusting your own opinion by following your intuition and gut.
Reminder: Mercury (planet of communication) is still retrograde until the end of the month. Use this time to reflect and make your decisions before taking powerful action by the end of the month. Use the time for clearing, healing and planning, preparing yourself for the new.
The New Moon combined with the Total Eclipse makes this an incredibly powerful time for new beginnings. What new beginnings are opening up for you? Even though it may feel scary, embrace it, as you never know what wonders it could lead to.

Grandmother Moon dances with Grandfather Sun
Sending Their love for the new that has begun
Fear not the dark, but dance in delight
As soon will be the return of the light
May this Eclipse treat you kindly and guide you to happy, new beginnings.